The teacher and candidate of the Workers’ Party for Socialism voted at the downtown Zorrilla school and made statements after being consulted.

The candidate for governor of the Workers Party for Socialism, Daniela Planes, voted at the Zorrilla school.

After being consulted by the media present, he remarked: “The elections are taking place in the context of strong demands for salary, both from self-summoned teachers and from health and judicial workers. For this reason, in the first place, I want to give strength to my fellow teachers so that we remain firm for a claim that is more than fair, such as that the salary does not continue to lose with inflation”.

In relation to the campaign, he stated: “We are satisfied with the campaign, we are a party with workers from different sectors, precarious youth, students, women and dissidents, young environmentalists and we believe that we were able to show another left in Salta, which has values ​​and principles and that he wants the left in Salta to have the strength that was shown in Jujuy with my partner Alejandro Vilca, a powerful alternative to face the parties that adjust us month by month”.

Planes pointed out that together with the rest of the candidates and supporters they will await the results at the party headquarters located at Alvarado No. 442 in the capital of Salta.

Politics / Jump / Elections


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