The bases of Más Madrid support that the coordinating team of the formation seek an agreement with Sumar “in the best conditions” to jointly participate in the elections on July 23. This has been supported by 96.11% of the militants who this Wednesday have participated in the consultation launched from the party leadership. The demands of the bases go through the fact that “the strategic axes of Más Madrid are represented and that there are members of the formation in the starting positions.”

Josep Vendrell: Yolanda Díaz’s quiet man for the Sumar negotiation


The consultation began around seven in the evening and ended an hour later. The results have been projected live during the Plenary that the formation has held with its militancy to discuss integration in the general elections. Prior to the vote, the leaders of Más Madrid, Mónica García and Rita Maestre, have transferred a few words to the attendees taking stock of the electoral result of May 28 and have thanked them for their support. “We do not want to look at Spain from the sidelines. We are not going to give up our country”, Mónica García has defended about the agreement that is expected to be imminent with Sumar, the candidacy that Yolanda Díaz will lead on 23J.

In the words of the municipal leader Rita Maestre, Más Madrid has shown “unanimous support” to run with Sumar in the general elections on July 23 but “with nuances”, which involve maintaining the formation’s ways of doing politics, participating in the programmatic process and the preservation of the brand“. These nuances also happen because in this next campaign “the ways of doing politics of Más Madrid and the particular accent of Más Madrid” are maintained.

“The details for liability are being discreet,” said Mónica García on Tuesday night, who was “optimistic” about the agreement. “There will be 100% agreement, I am optimistic, because there is much more behind it and we are playing a lot,” she insisted.

They are Manuela Bergerot and Javier Padilla, both regional deputies and leaders of García’s highest confidence, who are finalizing the fringes of the agreement that is expected to be imminent with Yolanda Díaz’s team, with Josep Vendrell at the helm.


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