This Saturday The Left Daily He held a talk to discuss the national situation after the PASO of August 13, the victory of Milei and the deepening of the crisis with the devaluation of Massa. In dialogue with Jesica Calcagno, Christian Castillo, Patricio del Corro and Natalia Morales spoke for more than an hour and a half about what the electoral results express, the responsibility of Peronism for the adjustment that it applies and the results of the left as a fulcrum for the fights to come.
The militancy of the PTS-Left Front organized assemblies and open meetings throughout the country to follow the talk. After finishing it, along with a significant number of independent colleagues Debates took place around the electoral results, the prospects for the October elections and also beyond them. In addition, the debate about how to deal with the ongoing adjustmentwhich carries out Peronism in the government.
In many places, a point that crossed the meetings It was about how to combat the passivity promoted by Peronism and the union bureaucracies, underlining the need to fight from today to face the adjustment of Massa and the new attacks that will come. The question of how to confront the right was also addressed. The conclusion was that he faced it by fighting from below, organizing himself in each workplace, study or in each neighborhood. In this framework, it is essential strengthen the PTS and the Left Front. In the first place, to face the adjustment that is underway and deepening. But also, because it will be the only list that will be planted in October against all the adjustment plans that impoverish the majorities.
Was encounters at different points of CABA; in Buenos Aires Province, in places like San Miguel, Tres de Febrero, Morón, Laferrere and San Justo, in La Matanza, Merlo, Esteban Echeverría, Tigre, La Plata, Monte Grande, Quilmes, Lomas de Zamora, Almirante Brown, Campana, Los Hornos and Escobar , among others. In Mendoza, in Maipú and San Rafael; in Santa Fe, in Rosario and Villa Constitución; in Cipolletti, Black river; in San Salvador de Jujuy. These meetings included the participation of workers from various sectors (teachers, aeronautics, health, recovered companies, etc.); together with university and high school youth. In all the meetings the enormous existing political interest was evident, the desire to debate, activate and begin to organize with the PTS for the fights that are to come.

Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com