Congress, with 45 votes in favor, 65 against and two abstentions, rejected the possibility that the general elections (president, congressmen and representatives to the Andean Parliament) be held in October of this year. After the result was known, a reconsideration of the vote was presented, but it will only be seen on Monday.

As it was a modification to the Constitution, the proposal was required to obtain 87 votes in two legislatures or 66 votes ratified via a referendum. However, neither of the two options has been given.

José Williams, president of the Congress, reported that the session will resume next week. The reformist leftist benches demand that a referendum be included in the elections consulting whether or not a Constituent Assembly should be called.

The controversy with the opinion presented by Hernando Guerra García was generated because the initiative of the Fujimori congressman indicated that the mandate of President Dina Boluarte would end on December 31, 2023 for her successor to assume functions on the first day of 2024 until July 28. of 2029.

Whether Congress votes for the proposal of Fujimori or the reformist left, what both legislative initiatives aim at is to divert the ongoing social mobilization and support the ’93 regime.

The Congress of the Republic is one of the institutions with the highest rate of disapproval. According to the latest IEP survey, only 10% approve of the management of this institution. These figures are related to the deep crisis of the 93′ regime that is expressed in the low popularity of the Judiciary, the Public Ministry, the repressive forces, among other institutions.

For this reason, we should not have any kind of confidence in this institution that has historically turned its back on the demands of the working people.

To win, we must continue betting on the mobilization and self-organization of the working class, the peasants and the popular sectors, so that through the indefinite national strike we oust Boluarte and the Congress of the Republic; and let us impose a provisional government of the sectors in struggle that guarantees the solution to the most urgent demands and guarantees a Free and Sovereign Constituent Assembly that puts an end to the ’93 regime and a solution to the structural problems of the Peruvian people.


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