We can bet to attend alone in the Valencian Community on 23J and with Sumar in the rest of the State. This is how sources from Podemos explain it, who claim to have raised the issue at the negotiating table. The reason? “Unlock the situation regarding the vetoes in that territory”, the sources explain, in relation to the intention expressed by Compromís to take over the starting positions in the Valencian Community, which in practice would translate into leaving Podemos without representation in the constituencies of Valencia, Castellón and Alicante.

The bases of Más Madrid support seeking an agreement with Sumar in “the best conditions” for 23J


“We do not contemplate this,” they affirm in Sumar, where a single coalition for the entire country is sought.

“We have raised it to unlock the situation of being left without representation, and not having to accept vetoes such as not going through the Valencian Community. The two candidacies would support Yolanda Díaz, let the voters choose. We believe that it is better to go alone each one on our own and with an agreement in the rest of the State with Sumar”, argue the same sources, who resort to an analogy to defend their position: when Izquierda Unida in 2015 presented itself alone in all Spain except in Catalonia –where the EUiA was a confederate organization and opted to go with En Comú Podem– and Galicia –where the organization in the territory, then led by Yolanda Díaz, decided to compete with En Marea–. Compromís denies having imposed any type of veto on Podemos in the lists of the Valencian Community where they maintain that they have left vacant starting positions for them to be negotiated among the rest of the formations.

The last-minute movement occurs when there are barely 24 hours left for the closing of the legal term of the coalitions and leads the group of the left that Yolanda Díaz intends to group under the same brand to continue negotiating until the last minute. “When we cannot agree on offices, we are going to look for a formula so that everyone can feel comfortable, and that unlocks democracy,” explain sources from Podemos.

The party, which has been denouncing “vetos in Madrid, Catalonia and the Valencian Community” since the beginning of the week, reports that it is encountering difficulties to include Irene Montero on the Madrid list. The sources consider that a “difficult to resolve veto” is taking place: why another constituency could it go? She is from Madrid and has always performed in Madrid”.

In relation to the hypothesis of appearing separately in Valencia, the sources of Podemos point out: “We have been commenting on it to Sumar and they have not closed the door. Right now it is what we are proposing to unblock Valencia”. From Sumar they emphatically reject that this possibility is open.

Negotiations stretch to the last minute

The parties that are negotiating to join Sumar hoped to have the agreement resolved by last Wednesday, but the talks have already entered discount time and will foreseeably run out of time. There will be exchanges until a few hours before the legal term expires before the announcement of the global pact of the coalition. The negotiations have been extended after a few hours of maximum tension, perhaps the most complicated since the talks began on May 29. Given the pressure of the deadlines, different parties have been calling consultations with their bases, even before being able to explain the details of the agreements.

Different sources maintain that the Sumar negotiating teams raised the presence of the Minister of Equality, Irene Montero, on the lists as an obstacle to unity. The tension at the negotiating tables has been growing since Wednesday night and was about to explode this Thursday morning. In Sumar, no one confirms that these red lines have been on the table at some point.

A little later, Podemos launched a consultation to transfer those registered if they authorize the executive to negotiate and, where appropriate, reach a coalition agreement with the platform of Yolanda Díaz and the rest of the parties. The specific question that can be voted on from last noon to 10:00 a.m. on Friday is the following: “Do you accept that the Podemos Coordination Council, following the unity criteria set by the State Citizen Council, negotiate with Sumar And, if applicable, agree to an electoral alliance between Podemos and Sumar?

“As you well know, the negotiations are not being easy. That is why I want to ask for your support so that the coordination council of Podemos can be the one to negotiate and, if necessary, reach the electoral unity agreement with Sumar. Following the mandate that the CCE gave us. The consultation will be open until tomorrow at 10 in the morning, ”Belarra said in the video in which he communicated the call. Usually, the party submits agreements or pre-agreements already reached to the vote of the militancy, but they believe that this scenario is no longer viable given the times of the negotiation led by Yolanda Díaz’s team and for this reason what they are asking for is authorization from the bases to leave the final decision in the hands of the secretariat. The consultation did not propose the scenario of running alone for any constituency, although it left the last word to the party leadership. The term to register the coalitions ends this Friday at 23:59.

While the negotiations continue, which are once again in a very difficult situation after the ordeal that Podemos proposes to Sumar, some parties have been announcing new agreements this Thursday. In the last few hours, Verdes Equo, the Batzarre from Navarra and Iniciativa del Pueblo Andaluz have announced that they have reached agreements to join the incipient coalition and join Proyecto Drago, the Chunta Aragonesista or AraMés, who also closed negotiations these days.

But the molar issue continues to be part of the framework of the big parties that Yolanda Díaz aspires to unite, in her attempt to recompose what was Unidos Podemos in 2016. Both the United Left and the communities of Ada Colau are involved, but also More Madrid and Compromís, who have their agreements almost ready, in the absence of some fringes, which in the case of the Valencians will have to be ratified tomorrow by the different parties that in turn make up that coalition.

Source: www.eldiario.es

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