After the general strike on Tuesday March 7 against Macron’s pension reform, the French are still in the streets.
And a record 3.2 million were mobilized on Tuesday of people throughout the country, the actions continued in recent days with mobilizations during March 8international women’s day, with strikes and blockades in strategic sectors of energy and transport, and also with mobilizations of secondary and university students who have entered the fight with force.
This Saturday we live a new day of mobilizations in the main cities ahead of the vote in the Senate next Wednesday. France enters a crucial week of this battle for pensions with union addressesgrouped in the Intersindical, avoiding calling a general strike and for an indefinite period even when the 65% of the population supports the so-called renewable strikes. For his part, from the grassroots sectors of workers in Energy (electricity, gas, refineries), railways and metropolitan transport have been carrying out periodic assemblies to renew the strike day by day. In the case of the company Total oil blockades are significant and begins to push towards a fuel shortage in some areas, while the power workers cut off power at strategic locations to make its weight felt.
In particular the four refineries operated by Total had very high strike rates, from between 55% to 93% depending on the place. At the two refineries owned by Esso/Exxonstrike rates were also very high, reaching 75% in Fos-sur-Mer, while at the Lavéra refinery (Bouches du Rhône), which belongs to the group Petroineos, 80% of the workers were mobilized. Towards next week the mobilization continues with several refineries that have already voted to renew the movement until next week.
In many sectors the fight against the pension reform joins the fight for wage increases before the escalation of prices and the inflation that has struck hard the income of the workers.
as pointed out Adrien Cornet, member of the CGT Total and militant of Revolution Permanente (part of the International Network La Izquierda Diario), in a television program before three macronistas “To defeat Macron’s reform, we must include wage demands and extend the renewable strike. The Intersindical has to stop asking Macron or sending him letters and they have to put all their resources into strengthening the strike fund so that all the workers can go on strike.”
Here is the coverage of the day this Saturday:
15:40 – This is how the and the library, museum and daycare workers in the center of Paris.
Dynamic and singing procession of agents of the city of Paris: libraries, museums, nurseries, … at the Parisian demonstration #greve11mars pic.twitter.com/vba6NRvQai
— Permanent Revolution (@RevPermanente) March 11, 2023
15:20 – In Lille More than 20,000 demonstrators mobilized this Saturday against the pension reform. In the streets they sang “We don’t want 49-3!”, referring to the possibility that Macron uses a decree to pass the pension reform if it is not approved in Parliament.
Lille. More than 20,000 demonstrators mobilized this Saturday against the pension reform: “We don’t want 49-3! » pic.twitter.com/Q3guUJmlJq
— Permanent Revolution (@RevPermanente) March 11, 2023
14:50 – Start at rue de la République de Marseilles the mobilization with several thousand people to say no to the pension reform. A large column of energy workers lead the march.
The Marseille procession sets off on the rue de la République. Several thousand people gathered to say no to the pension reform! #greve11mars pic.twitter.com/mW4DtZ5db5
— Permanent Revolution (@RevPermanente) March 11, 2023
Marseilles. Big procession of energy this Saturday for the #greve11mars after a dark week where they were very mobilized pic.twitter.com/OzCERP6yXU
— Permanent Revolution (@RevPermanente) March 11, 2023
14:40 – “Macron you are screwed, the youth is in the street”, sing the students from the Ile-de-France region represented who are marching in Paris in the column of the Interfaculties.
“Macron you’re screwed, the youth is in the street”. Several Ile-de-France universities represented in the inter-facs procession in Paris. #greve11mars. pic.twitter.com/RGTHbwYwvR
— Permanent Revolution (@RevPermanente) March 11, 2023
14:20 – Laura is a railway worker on renewable strike. During the demonstration in Paris spoke to Permanent Revolution and said “What we see among the railway workers is that there is a strong determination, a strong conviction, to push back the government, to say no to this reform. But we also see and have learned from the latest strikes that one of the only sectors that are on strike are the railways. Other sectors such as refineries and the energy sector are also on strike. But it’s not enough to push the government back. A government that is on the offensive, and so on. So in my opinion the policy of the union leaders to beg for a meeting with Macron is even more criminal. This is not the time to ask the Macron government for a new meeting. Only the Intersindical can believe the words of the Government that says they are open to dialogue while on the other hand, it seeks to attack the right to strike, it sends the Police to repress. This repression falls directly on the pickets, so this is by no means the time to talk or beg for a meeting. It is time for a call for a real strike that is renewable [indeterminada] and generalized to all sectors. Not only the sectors that are blocking pensions, but extending it to all workers. We must do as we did in Le Bourget, linking the fight for pensions with a lot of other demands, such as the issue of wages and working conditions that are among the concerns of many workers, in many sectors today. And that is what is on the order of the day, not going to ask for an umpteenth meeting, an umpteenth dialogue meeting with the government.”
“Only the intersyndicale believes in dialogue with its letter to Macron, we must expand the renewable strike” Laura, railway worker on renewable strike at the Paris demonstration #greve11mars pic.twitter.com/IGANfhPq11
— Permanent Revolution (@RevPermanente) March 11, 2023
14:10 – In Paris the mobilization begins after noon from boulevard du Temple.
Paris. The demonstration starts from the boulevard du Temple for this 7th day of mobilization against the pension reform. #greve11mars pic.twitter.com/8yaOOHAZCZ
— Permanent Revolution (@RevPermanente) March 11, 2023
14:00 – “Renewable unemployment must be extended, actions and coups of a single day will not be enough, a mass strike is needed. We want to unite people and get them to join the strike.” Jonathan, Strasbourg railway signalman a sector that has been on a renewable strike since March 7.
“The renewable strike must spread, day-to-day blows will not be enough, a massive walkout is needed. We want to bring people together and unite in the strike” Jonathan, signalmen in Strasbourg on renewable strike since March 7#greve11mars pic.twitter.com/gQXToR9xB1
— Permanent Revolution (@RevPermanente) March 11, 2023
13:50 – In Toulouse tens of thousands of people also took to the streets this Saturday.
Toulouse. Tens of thousands of people answered the call despite the rain. #NonALaReformeDesRetraites #manifestation11mars pic.twitter.com/RK4IcmPZUX
— Permanent Revolution (@RevPermanente) March 11, 2023
1:30 p.m. – In strasbourg Students march behind striking railway workers chanting “Retirement at 60, we will fight to keep it!”, against Macron’s proposal to raise the retirement age to 64 and cut those who take early retirement for drudgery.
“Retirement at 60, we will fight to keep it! “: the student procession follows the procession of railway workers on strike in Strasbourg for the #greve11mars pic.twitter.com/drBryXWB7q
— Permanent Revolution (@RevPermanente) March 11, 2023
13:20 – At the beginning of the manifestation of Saint Nazaire this morning, refinery, railway, port, energy and education workers present at the march.
At the start of the demonstration in Saint-Nazaire this morning, refiners, railway workers, dockers, energy and education workers present in the procession for the #greve11mars pic.twitter.com/pyoqIay8K8
— Permanent Revolution (@RevPermanente) March 11, 2023
1:00 p.m. – He metro and buses are paralyzed in the city of Paris for the strike and the day of mobilization. For his part, he once again saturated the area around Place de La République with police officers.
Metro and buses disrupted in Paris again today because of the strike. Police are all around Place de La République. #ParisStrike #FranceStrike #greve11mars #greve #Macron @nytimesworld @WaPoTravel pic.twitter.com/GXI034g5Uw
— Martha Wilson (blue checkmark) (@marthaswilson) March 11, 2023
12:45h – Pierre is a technician at the Enedis electricity company and a CGT activist. He tells that in “Toulouse all Enedis vehicles are blocked in the center of Laurencin. We have carried out energy sobriety actions [cortar la luz a edificios emblemáticos, municipios y grandes empresas] with cuts and reductions in production”.
“Since Sunday evening in Toulouse, all vehicles from Enedis have been blocked in the center of Laurencin. We have carried out energy sobriety actions with cuts and reductions in production. » Pierre, technician, CGT Enedis. #greve11mars pic.twitter.com/s8B0QcfS2U
— Permanent Revolution (@RevPermanente) March 11, 2023
12:30 p.m. – In Toulouse, Strasbourg, Saint Nazaire,… the marches have already begun on this seventh day of national mobilization since the fight against the pension reform began. Different sectors of workers continue on renewable strike.
[DIRECT] Follow the day of demonstrations everywhere in France!
In Toulouse, Strasbourg, Saint Nazaire,… the processions set off for this 7th day, while different sectors are still on renewable strike. #greve11mars pic.twitter.com/rwAtxq2Y5M
— Permanent Revolution (@RevPermanente) March 11, 2023
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com