This Thursday night an important cacerolazo takes place in the center of the city...
Make a tasty blender cheese bread, it’s delicious and the recipe is simple and...
On February 18 there will be elections in Galicia. They will be the first...
17 hours after the arrests of Héctor Adolfo Ganzo and Ulises Nicolás Fernández, not...
If you enjoy what we do, join the Community We set ourselves, and we...
Make a delicious think sauce to eat with barbecue, salads and breads! Check out the...
The Government is going to expand birth and family conciliation leave in 2024. Paternity...
“The media groups are mercenaries, operators of the adjustment of this repressive government. Not...
The Government seeks to cut 0.4% of GDP from retirement spending. Las retirees and...
The Bank of Spain assures that inflation would fall to 2.3% in 2024 if...
This was reported by the Center of Argentine Pharmaceutical Professionals (Ceprofar). The increase corresponds...
Myriam Bregman and Nicolás del Caño, national deputies of the PTS-FITU, filed a criminal...
Make a delicious cassava broth for lunch or dinner. With this cold weather it’s delicious! Check...
A court of the National Court has urgently stopped the exhumations of victims from...
Photo On this Monday morning the National Metereological Service issued “orange alerts” by storms...
Photo: The Compass President Milei and Governor Kicillof arrived in the city this Sunday...
Within the framework of structural adjustment, layoffs, megadevaluation, salary cuts, which fully impacts food...
“Everyone at the same table.” This is how Alberto Núñez Feijóo’s PP wants to...
Social protest and how we organize resistance. What are workplace assemblies and coordination for?...
Make a yummy German pie to eat like ice cream! This cookie pie is easy...
In politics, a slide usually combines illusions with disappointment. During these hours, a fraction...
The case could have simply been closed. It is concluded that the facts do...
Reversal of the autonomous communities of the PP that were boycotting the arrival of...
The National Deputy was interviewed on C5N regarding the anti-picketing protocol announced by the...
The fallacies that justify the “Rodrigazo” of Milei and Caputo. Editorial of “El Círculo...
The EU opens accession negotiations with Ukraine. This was decided by the European Council...
If you enjoy what we do, join the Community We set ourselves, and we...
Make a delicious brigadeiro without condensed milk to eat with a spoon or roll...
Manuel Adornithe presidential spokesperson, held a new press conference this Thursday morning as he...
A year later, Viktor Orbán is once again blackmailing the EU and threatening to...
The president during the campaign said that the caste was going to pay for...
Milei and Caputo’s adjustment plan is such a hard blow for the population that...
Qatar has been the main mediator in the conflict between Israel and Hamas and...
Learn how to make a swamped cow recipe in a simple, easy and delicious...
This Tuesday, Manuel Adorni, At a press conference he announced some of the measures...
“There will be a given moment when the people will want to hang him...
On December 10, a new stage began in our country. Milei’s right took over...
Photo Pepe Mateos | Telam This Monday, after 8 o’clock, the presidential spokesperson Manuel...
The Ministry of Labor has proposed a minimum wage increase figure to unions and...
Javier Milei dedicated a large part of his first speech as president to the...
Learn how to make a blender bread that has a soft and fluffy dough. Check...
Faced with the assumption of Javier Milei as president, the national deputies from the...
The president of Spain, Pedro Sánchez; and the prime ministers of Belgium, Alexander de...
With the presence of almost 20 young students from secondary schools, the University and...
With a message recorded in the Patio de las Palmeras of the Casa Rosada,...
132 million a year. It is the cost that the European Commission estimates to...
The president gave his last speech to the population about his outgoing government, before...
Moroccan couscous is a very good recipe for you to make for lunch and...
White smoke. The first vice president, Nadia Calviño, has achieved enough support to take...
Caste is in order, the bold program of a weak government. Editorial of “El...