Javier Milei’s speech was unbearable. There is no other definition. Following him on YouTube was already tortuous. Impossible to imagine having to see it live. That was why the government-friendly media quickly took it off the air. When not even 20 minutes had passed since the start, both TN and LN+ continued with their usual programming. The harangues of the “madman” seem to be losing ratings.
Milei talked about her own adjustment. She celebrated by repeating the same fallacies and inventions that he has been saying since December 10 and even before. In that delusional self-praise, He compared Luis Caputo and Patricia Bullrich to Lionel Messimaking the ears of more than one grate.
The speech gave time for a foray into the foundations of his own economic theory. It doesn’t make any sense to answer here. Whoever wants to see the opinion of the PTS-FITU can do so in numerous articles published in Ideas de Izquierda, Armas de la Crítica and The Daily Left. Let us only note that the capitalismfrom its birth to the present, is a system that throws millions into the most acute social catastrophes: wars, massive unemployment, sidereal impoverishment, famines. Defending it as Milei does is also living in a bubble.
Milei attacked “politics.” He went so far as to bravado and say that they could “throw away the Bases Law,” in a direct attack on Congress. The arrogance nothing ridiculous. At this time, the ruling party is negotiating desperately with the worst of the political caste. The frantic thread unites official officials with deputies from the PRO, the UCR, We Make the Federal Coalition and part of Peronism. The president’s party is as much a part of the caste as all the others.
These groups eagerly offer themselves as collaborators. Rodrigo de Loredo – the radical from Cordoba who receives insults in all languages - is still active, appearing as a possible guarantor of a wild adjustment. They run, as fast as they can, to support a government which has only suffered parliamentary defeats since its origin and can only show institutional weakness. More than “collaborators” they are open accomplices.
It is unusual that after yesterday’s enormous mobilization, the decision of several blocks and deputies is to run out to help Milei. I sense that these negotiations behind the people’s backs will cost them dearly…
— Myriam Bregman (@myriambregman) April 25, 2024
The CGT is not far behind. Negotiate portions of the labor reforminstead of calling to fight against the Government that adjusts to retirees and that is preparing to increase the salary tax again, possibly affecting a million workers.
A few weeks ago we were wondering who was holding Milei. The answer remains, roughly speaking, the same. Macristas, radicals and a sector of Peronism in Congress. The CGT and the bureaucratic union leadership in the field of social struggle. The big employers and the IMF.
However, Milei is already walking on slippery ground. Arrogance and bad jokes have their “dearrúesque” side. This Wednesday’s speech seemed to be made inside a bubble. A discourse of caste, no matter how you look at it. Oblivious to the harsh reality suffered by the popular majority. To the harsh blow that the new tariffs already represent. To a poverty that spreads hand in hand with the recession, even though the president celebrates the relative slowdown of inflation.
At the Libertad Foundation dinner, Milei chose to talk about thousands of things so as not to talk about the obvious: he enormous political blow to his Government that meant the massive university march. The president barely muttered the phrase “noble cause” to elliptically allude to the claim that this Tuesday brought a million people to the streets across the country. A political blow that led him to change his speech in hours, going from arrogance to almost crying. A “lion” purring.
This Wednesday Milei spoke as if he lived in a bubble. That fatal arrogance (using the term as we wish) was seen many times in Argentine and international politics. Governments and regimes completely dissociated from the interests and desires of the popular majorities. The result was, many times, the popular rebellion. The fight in the streets. The emergence of the working class, youth and poor people as combative actors in a profound or revolutionary transformation of society.
Milei’s fatal arrogance paves the way in that direction.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com