The Minister of the Interior confirmed it at the Expoagro exhibition. They will send a bill to lower the tax floors again. It is part of the negotiations with the governors who, despite criticism, also apply the adjustment in their provinces. Are the CGT and CTA going to call for a plan of struggle and national strike to confront this measure? Or are they going to continue with the truce?

Guillermo Francos, Minister of the Interior of Javier Milei, announced that they will try to adjust the workers again. This time they will do so on the sectors that have the most income, through the restitution of the Income Tax.

He indicated this at the Expoagro fair, which takes place in San Nicolás, Province of Buenos Aires. There he stated that they will send a bill aimed at lowering the floors from which the tax is paid again. The objective is to once again include hundreds of thousands of workers.

Francos affirmed that this initiative results from a request of “the governors [para] “That we help them solve the tax problem and fiscal problems.” The reality is more complex. The provincial leaders effectively want that tax that is co-participatory to return. However, the one who The International Monetary Fund also requests it..

The question is What will the CGT and the CTA do in the face of this new attack?. Are they going to call for a national strike and fight plan? Or are they going to continue with the truce? If they call for forceful measures, are they going to add to the demands of the most affected sectors of the working class or are they going to ignore it, as they are doing now?

Peronism has been a farce of opposition to the government’s adjustment. He has been letting each and every attack pass. Union leadership is part of that scheme.

You may be interested in: 5 keys: why Peronism is a farce of opposition against Milei

Economy / Profits / Income Tax / Javier Milei


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