They have just given great news and joy: Mara, the young woman from Villa 31 in the City of Buenos Aires who had been missing for 48 hours, appeared, thanks to the mobilization of her families, friends, neighbors and the strength of her mother..
From early this Thursday morning there was a concentration at the doors of the Prosecutor’s Office, after having suffered intimidation from the police last night when they made a cut in Retiro to make the situation visible.
“Thanks to that cut, it spread and a person identified it on the street and called 911,” Andrea D’atri said through her networks..
MARA APPEARED. We delete your search on networks. But we do not erase that the Larreta Police only repressed relatives and neighbors who made the search visible by cutting off Retiro.
Thanks to that cut, it spread and a person identified it on the street and called 911#Not one lessβ Andrea D’Atri βπ½π© (@andreadatri) July 13, 2023
The response today was thanks to the mobilization in the streets, to the strength of their parents to keep going, to the unconditional accompaniment of family, friends and neighbors, spreading the word, mobilizing and cutting the entry and exit artery of the most important bus terminal in the City of Buenos Aires. That determination of organization, solidarity and struggle made Mara appear. And not the response of the institutions, such as the ministries of the City and Nation, sending the police who only took care of setting up a repressive apparatus to dissuade the cut, but they did not back down from the repressive deployment.
When Mara was still missing
Among those who accompanied were Andrea D’atri and Patricio del Corro, leaders and candidates of the PTS, in the Left Unity Front for the City of Buenos Aires. Also the journalist Adriana Meyer among others.
They do not activate protocol for missing persons because they do not exist. They don’t even look for it because they label it as an alleged escape from home or loss. This is what must change.
Appearance with life of Mara YA! https://t.co/5qY0vojtlV
β Adriana Meyer (@adrianameyerok) July 13, 2023
Now, accompanying Mara’s family in front of the prosecutor’s office where the mother denounces that until now the only response from the prosecutor’s office was to send the police to the court that they made in Retiro. pic.twitter.com/ANtIgpOwh3
β Duck of the Corro (@Patriciodc) July 13, 2023
On Wednesday night, the family reported that They had not approached the Ministry of Women, Gender and Diversity, nor the national, nor the City of Buenos Aires. There were no answers, nor were they looking for her. For this reason, the pressure of the mobilization and the cut were key to the appearance of Mara.
“We are going to cut again and claim if they do not give us an answer or tell us where my daughter is. Last night we were freezing to death and the prosecutor’s office sent us 200 troops to repress,” Mara’s mother said today.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com