At noon this Friday, hours before a new anniversary of the coup d’état that began the civic-military-ecclesiastical dictatorship, Teresa Laborde Calvoa survivor of the genocide, filed a criminal complaint for repeated threats and attacks against his person received since the government of La Libertad Avanza took office.
The news of the complaint was spread by the journalist Adriana Meyer through their social networks. “Teresa Labordedaughter of the survivor Adriana Calvo and born in captivity during the dictatorship, she has just reported that she was THREATENED. ‘The next school you go to, you won’t come back,’ they told her over the phone, alluding to the talks she gives after her case became better known. She refers to the fact that her story and the testimony of her mother in the trial of the Military Juntas became even more popular when integrated into the script of the renowned film 1985.
Laborde Calvo decided to file a legal complaint for the repeated threats after, hours before, another serious case was made public: the brutal attack, beating and sexual abuse suffered by a militant of the HIJOS group, an event that occurred on March 5. According to account Meyer“when her colleagues told her the details of the attack on the HIJOS woman, she panicked” and “they convinced her to file a complaint.”
Finally a file was opened in the Court of Guarantees 1 of Lomas de Zamora and intervenes Instruction and Judgment Functional Unit 7 of the same judicial department, in charge of prosecutors Nicolas Espejo y Cesar Lucero. Accompanied by her lawyers Cadep Sergio Smietniansky y Marcela Dal Santo, Teresa has already declared and is now waiting to be accepted as a private victim in the case.
Teresa Laborde, daughter of survivor Adriana Calvo and born in captivity during the dictatorship, has just reported that she was THREATENED.
“The next school you go to, you won’t come back,” they told him over the phone, alluding to the talks he gives after his case became better known. Thread pic.twitter.com/AXPDXPl2R5— Adriana Meyer (@adrianameyerok) March 22, 2024
Not a step back
In his statement, Laborde Calvo remember first of all that he is a plaintiff in the trial commonly known as “Brigades”in which several genocide perpetrators are accused and which on Tuesday the 26th he will have a sentence by the Judicial Branch of At payment. In this context, she stated that she and her family are “accustomed to receiving threats because of our history”. And precisely he adds that after learning about the case of him best known for the film 1985 He began to give many talks in schools.
In this context, as he contacted her more and more, on November 20 he received a phone call from a private number. He decided to attend. In the other side, “An undistorted male voice told me ‘the next school you go to, don’t come back’ and they cut me off”, he says in his complaint. Although she was worried, she decided not to scare her loved ones and she let the fact go. She though she couldn’t stop thinking that a day before the denier Javier Milei had won the runoff.
The day after the threat he went to give a talk at a school Lanus. He remembers that when he arrived he was very struck by seeing three patrol cars at the school gate. The school staff told him that this was unusual. She gave the talk anyway and, when she left it, the director of the establishment accompanied her to her car in case she had any doubts. Only as the days went by was she able to tell a co-worker about the threat.
A new threat was received towards the end of February, when one Tuesday afternoon he was on his way to teach classes at the college and the phone rang. She attended to those in a hurry. Another undistorted male voice told her “you shitty lefty, if you continue indoctrinating you are a ticket.”. He also didn’t tell anyone, something he considers a kind of “defense mechanism” that he has had since he was little.
Things changed for her this Thursday, when she found out about the case of the HIJOS activist attacked and abused at her home. At first she felt shocked, but then she talked with co-workers and her and her lawyers. decided to file the complaint early this Friday. Teresa He wanted to look up the record of the second phone call to know if it was on Tuesday the 20th or the 27th. But he didn’t find it. Although you may have accidentally deleted it, he thinks they “got into” his cell phone.
During these hours too Carlotto’s Steletitle of Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayoreported having his tapped phone. In fact, when they called her from a radio to interview her, the sound of telephone dialing that made conversation impossible.
It becomes even more necessary the forceful demand to the State, in all its forms and powers, to clarify as soon as possible the facts that concern us and worry us in these hours prior to a new March 24. These cases must be thoroughly investigated, tried and the perpetrators convicted. Just like his political principals and accomplices. This includes a determined fight against the sectors that demand genocide, deny its devastating effects and spend their time hurling all kinds of fascist expressions.
In this context, it is urgent put the entire working class and popular sectors on a fighting foot in pursuit of breaking the economic, social and “cultural” plans of the Government of Freedom Advances. Something that directly challenges the union leaders of the CGT and the CTA, as well as those of the social movements that were official until a few months ago and those of Peronism that claims to defend human rights. This requirement includes the need to a national strike and a plan to fight until the plans of Milei and the corporations are brought down.
This Sunday, more than ever, Let’s burst the Plaza de Mayo and all the squares in the country shouting “There are 30 thousand!” and “It was genocide!” next to Memory, Truth and Justice Meeting.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com