The Catalans are once again summoned to the polls this Sunday to decide the composition of the European Parliament, just one day before the new hemicycle of Catalonia is formed after the elections of May 12. The European race has been clouded by negotiations over the composition of the Parliament’s Board, whose presidency will decide who is the first candidate for the investiture as president of the Generalitat: Salvador Illa or Carles Puigdemont. The possibility of an electoral repetition is not ruled out, since neither of the two has a clear majority to be anointed, but the socialist starts with more options to take office. The path of the head of Junts requires a socialist abstention to which the PSC has already slammed the door, but this does not mean that it is ruling itself out, but rather it is pushing to officiate a debate on his candidacy, even threatening to put the stability of Pedro Sánchez in check. at the head of the Government.


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