The president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, stated this Sunday in Chile that “she cannot speak” about the case that affects her partner, Alberto González Amador, because it is “judicialized”, she has considered that the political debate is “ unbalanced” because data from an individual is being published and he has reiterated that “all the powers of the State” are being used against her, “but it is not my Government,” he has defended “and it has nothing to do with the management we are carrying out.” ”.
González Amador has been charged with two tax crimes and document falsification in a case that has shaken politics in the Community of Madrid after the revelations published exclusively by elDiario.es in recent days. He himself confessed to the Prosecutor’s Office two crimes of tax fraud last February. This week, Court number 19 of Madrid has accepted the Public Prosecutor’s complaint for processing and has called for Ayuso’s partner to be declared under investigation with the rest of the people reported by the Prosecutor’s Office, accused of helping him defraud 350,000 euros with a plot. of false invoices.
The Madrid president has been on an institutional trip to Chile since Friday. When asked by journalists about the situation of her partner, Ayuso said of the case that “as long as it is prosecuted I cannot speak” and defended that “time will show what is happening here.” The leader of the Madrid PP has also reiterated that the investigation does not directly affect the Community that she presides over.
The regional president has pointed to the “nervousness” and “concern” of the Sánchez Government and has accused him of “using all the powers of the State” against her boyfriend so that it affects her: “It is not my Government, it has nothing “It has to do with the management we are carrying out.”
Ayuso has pointed out that the “Moncloa environment” is behind the revelations about the case that affects his partner, thus repeating the same arguments that he has defended since elDiario.es revealed the fraud committed by González Amador, which he himself acknowledged before the Treasury by proposing an agreement to the Public Ministry even before being charged.
The president of the Community of Madrid has stated that this “strategy” is, in her opinion, “Chavista and Putinist”, and has accused the Executive of transferring “the data of an individual without listening to how he should defend himself, breaking his strategy.” of defense and with the cruelty that the Sánchez Government demonstrates.”
“No one is going to give me lessons on press freedom”
Ayuso has also defended his chief of staff, Miguel Ángel Rodríguez, after his threats to elDiario.es, as well as the hoax he spread about reporters from both this medium and The country, a fact that Ayuso’s own advisor has recognized. “I am a journalist. No one is going to give me lessons on press freedom and that is what the work that my team has been doing in recent years is for,” the president responded.
Ayuso has added that what is being experienced with this case is “an inversion of reality” and that both the revelations about her partner’s case and the complaints about the threats made by her chief of staff to the media are “disproportionate since that invert reality.”
“It is curious that only I have a chief of staff. Listen, neither the name nor the surname of the chiefs of staff of any politician in this country is known, but it is known how much I eat on Thursday afternoons,” Ayuso said.
The president of the PP of Madrid added that, since she has held this position, “she has not denied entry” to any journalist to a press conference and has given everyone the floor, something that “the same cannot be said.” in Moncloa. Ayuso has thus taken advantage of his intervention before journalists in Chile to reiterate the PP’s attacks against Pedro Sánchez for the alleged role of his wife, Begoña Gómez, in the rescue of Air Europa during the pandemic.
The leader of the Madrid PP has defended from Chile that there is a “cry” in Spain for Sánchez to give explanations. “It had never happened that the wife of the President of the Government, coming from other sectors, started doing business in others,” said the president of Madrid, and that “the decisions of these businesses were taken to the Council of Ministers, where her husband”.
During the press conference, Ayuso added that in the ‘Koldo case’ and his possible relationship with the former Minister of Transport José Luis Ábalos there is “corruption, guns and wads of bills.” “That, against a tax inspection,” he declared.
At elDiario.es we are aware that publishing news like this is not easy, that there may be consequences. At least we know what we’re dealing with this time. They have made it clear to us and in writing: “We are going to crush you, you are going to have to close.” The threats from Miguel Ángel Rodríguez, the right-hand man of the president of Madrid, are not just a warm-up. It is not even the first time that he has resorted to pressure like this to prevent information from being published.
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Source: www.eldiario.es