How much more can pockets hold? the national government authorized an increase of up to 4.5% per month in mobile services, internet, fixed telephony and television (cable and satellite) until December of this year.

The Mobile Communications Services (SCM) Licensees may apply retroactively to May 1, 2023, an increase in the value of the retail prices of any of their plans in the postpaid and/or mixed modality, in a percentage of up to 4 ,5 %; taking as a reference their current prices as of April 30, 2023,” says the text of Resolution 557/2023 signed by the National Communications Entity (Enacom) and published this Tuesday morning in the Official Gazette.

They may also do so, “the Licensees of Value Added Services of Access to Internet (SVA-I), de Fixed Telephone Services (STF), from Subscription Broadcasting Services by physical or radio link (SRSVFR)the Licensees of Subscription Broadcasting Audiovisual Communication Services via satellite link (DTH) y Cell Phone“, according to said resolution.

“From the first day of every month after May 2023successively and until December from 2023 inclusive, the Alluded licensees may apply a new monthly increase in a percentage of up to 4.5% on the same pricestaking as reference the values ​​updated to the last day of the previous month and in accordance with the terms of the preceding paragraph”, continues the text.

As can be seen, the Government had nothing left to stop authorizing: the cumulative increase will be 31.5% until December of each of the mentioned services and as if that were not enough, it will be retroactive to May 1.

Another tremendous blow to the pocket of the working and popular sectors that have been enduring inflation that has no brakes. The last index published in this regard corresponds to the City of Buenos Aires and indicates that inflation in April was 7.8%.

It must be remembered that prior to this resolution, at the beginning of this year, Enacom had authorized increases of 4% for January and February; and 3.5% for March and April.

Given the panorama of rising inflation, it is urgent and necessary an increase in salaries, retirements and income from social plans to recover what was lost since Macri’s inauguration, until now, and then increase automatically according to the rise in prices.


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