The CeProDH lawyer with Martín Di Rocco, a MadyGraf worker, illegally detained on June 12 in the demonstration that rejected the approval of the Base Law. Both were on A24 and were interviewed by Cata de Elia and Facundo Pastor.

The worker at the recovered factory, MadyGraf, recounted how he was detained. “They arrested me just as we were leaving.”

For his part, the lawyer from the Center of Professionals for Human Rights (CeProDH), told what the Police procedure is when they seek to file cases. What was seen on June 12, says Matías Aufieri, “is a pattern that we have seen many times in the operations that Patricia Bullrich is in charge.”

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In Romina Manguel’s radio program, Aurier also referred to the arrest of 35 people in the march on June 12, maintaining that “the detainees were originally charged with the crime of attack and resistance to authority, they were detained to the boleo while they peacefully deconcentrated at the intersection of Bernardo de Irigoyen and Moreno.”

“They obtained their release beyond the number of very serious crimes, eleven crimes that are charged by prosecutor Stornelli in the Federal Justice, echoing the statement from the presidency and Patricia Bullrich in which all of the detainees are charged almost a kind of case that had already been previously assembled before having the detainees, a set of crimes said to range from an attack on the constitutional order, an attack on public order, damage, injuries, damage, fire, attack and resistance to authority and all of this also with the aggravating circumstance of the so-called anti-terrorist law, which aggravates the penalties for a number of crimes if they were committed by a criminal organization,” Aufieri added.

Politics / Democratic Freedoms / Law Bases


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