Marta Lois, deputy of Sumar for A Coruña, will be the spokesperson for the coalition in Congress, as has been advanced by Público and has been able to confirm The political scientist is one of Yolanda Díaz’s most trusted people, who placed her at the head of the Movimiento Sumar instrumental party.

His political career has been linked to the Galician tides since its inception. Until she became the leader of the instrumental party registered for the last 23J elections, Lois was spokesperson for Compostela Aberta, a confluence candidacy with left-wing profiles, in the Santiago City Council and councilor for Equality, Economic Development and Tourism in the same town during the government of Martiño Noriega, between 2015 and 2019. Now, it has been the vice president herself who has informed the rest of the groups that make up Sumar about the new appointment.

Lois has also been linked to feminism in the academic field for years, linked to her studies in Political Science. During the campaign for the last general elections, the Galician deputy wrote in an open forum in which she criticized the position of the PP leader, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, on feminist rights.

On behalf of United We Can, it was Pablo Echenique, who left institutional politics at the end of July, who held the position of spokesman for Ione Belarra’s party in the Lower House.

After the past elections, Sumar obtained 31 deputies in Congress, a figure that placed him as a fundamental force for a possible reissue of the coalition government together with the PSOE. Now, while Díaz begins the negotiations to be able to get enough support for the new legislature, he also faces the challenge of building the party.

The 31 parliamentarians that the coalition party has obtained belong to 8 different parties. Sumar’s independent deputies, including Díaz, are 10; those of Podemos, 5; commons get another 5; UI, 5 more; More Country and More Madrid, 2; Compromís, another 2; and Cha and Mes, one each.


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