Chinese President Xi Jinping and Lula. Photo: Ricardo Stuckert

President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva’s way of dealing with the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, and the relationship with countries like China and Iran, has become a matter of concern for the US government, which fears losing influence over emerging countries. The nods to the Americans’ geopolitical rivals are described in intelligence documents that the Washington Post had access to.

The “world peace bloc”, Lula’s interest in mediating the relationship between China and the US, and discussing the end of the fighting in Ukraine were mentioned in the documents, as well as the support of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the plan. The Brazilian leader’s strategies, however, are not secret. In a recent visit by the Russian Foreign Minister, Serguei Lavrov, to Lula, the Kremlin disclosed that Brazil considers Russia’s interests.

But it is also not new that the Americans are bothered by the closer Brazil-Russia relationship. After Lavrov’s visit, Jack Kirby, spokesman for the US National Security Council, said that the Brazilian president was repeating Russian propaganda and that his position on the war would be “deeply problematic”.

However, it’s not just Ukraine and trade deals that Americans are worried about. According to the access content of the Washington Post, the newspaper says that Lula’s initiative received two warships from Iran, the US’s main geopolitical rival in the Middle East, and that these vessels were listed in the US sanctions program.

Even after US and Israeli criticism, the ships stayed for a week in Rio de Janeiro. Chile, Argentina, Uruguay and Venezuela refused Iranian requests to allow the boats to dock in South American waters. The documents also point out that the president of Brazil approved the receipt of the vessels, contrary to some Brazilian navy officers, who tried to convince him not to accept.

The Pentagon considered that Lula “probably approved the scale to reinforce his reputation as a global mediator and burnish Brazil’s image as a neutral power”, according to the files obtained. Even so, the US assessment understands that the PT thinks of a great expansion of the military relationship between the countries, despite understanding that this is an interest of Iran.

In addition to Brazil, the United States would be unhappy with other emerging countries, such as South Africa, Argentina, India, Pakistan and Egypt, which receives more than US$ 1 billion a year from the United States, but has deepened ties with Russia, which will build the first nuclear power plant in the country of the pyramids.

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