President Lula (PT) speaking in Colombia. Image: Reproduction

President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) is participating, this Saturday (08), in the Technical-Scientific Meeting of the Amazon, in Colombia. The meeting was organized by the government of the neighboring country, led by President Gustavo Petro. The meeting is taking place in the city of Letícia, which borders Tabatinga, in the extreme west of the Amazon, on the triple border between Colombia, Brazil and Peru.

“When I received the invitation from President Gustavo Petro for this meeting, I thought it was an excellent way to start the conversations for the Amazon Summit. We are two great multicultural democracies. I am coming from the triple border of the Plata Basin to the triple border of the Amazon Basin, so that we can launch the preparation of a new summit”, said President Lula.

“The Amazonian countries have two challenges to face together. One institutional, to strengthen the organization of the Amazon cooperation treaty. The other is political, for the construction of a new vision of sustainable development for the region”, highlighted the president. Lula made a point of emphasizing the decrease in deforestation in the first half of his government: “Deforestation alerts in the Amazon had a 33% reduction in the first half. And we have the goal of zero deforestation by 2030. This is a commitment that we can assume together at the Belém Summit”.

“Whoever protects the Amazon deserves to be protected. If the forest is still standing today, it is largely thanks to indigenous peoples, traditional communities and defenders of the environmental cause. Names like Chico Mendes, Sister Dorothy Stang, Bruno Pereira and Dom Phillips are emblematic of this history of violence that afflicts the Brazilian Amazon”, he added.

In a speech for the closing of the meeting, Lula stated that “taking care of the Amazon is a privilege and a responsibility”. According to him, “it’s up to us to decide how to give our people a dignified life and preserve our forest and biodiversity”. Watch the excerpt below.

The issue of the Amazon will be at the center of geopolitical attention for the next few years, culminating in the holding of the United Nations Conference on Climate Change (COP30), in 2025, in Belém (PA). For the first time, the main event of the United Nations (UN) on environmental issues will be held in the tropical forest biome. Last week, the president said that he intends to take to this year’s edition of the climate conference, COP28, in Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates, a joint position of countries that make up the South American Amazon regarding environmental issues.
Watch Lula’s speech in full below:

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