Lula and Zelensky talk via video call. (Ricardo Stuckert/Presidency)

The government of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT), in a gesture of double abstention, decided not to support decisions proposed by Western governments in relation to the conflict between Russia and Ukraine since last year. With information from Jamil Chad, columnist for UOL.

The gesture came at a time when some Western powers questioned the political possibility of Lula’s government to act as a facilitator in the conflict between Russians and Ukrainians. The Planalto Palace, however, has chosen to maintain statements condemning Russian aggression, but making it clear that a complete isolation of Moscow could even represent a nuclear risk to the world.

After Brazil’s vote, the Brazilian delegation at the WHO asked for the floor to explain the country’s position.

Russian nuclear weapons. (Photo: reproduction)

The proposed text condemning Russia circulated among governments on Monday night (22) and was sponsored by more than 40 countries, including the US, Germany, France, South Korea, the United Kingdom and Australia.

Brazil did not agree with the text and, when voting, the instruction that the Itamaraty sent to the Brazilian delegation at the WHO was to opt for an abstention. Alongside Brazil were other Brics countries, such as India and South Africa. China, on the other hand, voted against the resolution, along with Cuba, Syria and North Korea.

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