The presidential candidate for the Left Unity Front spoke with the journalist on her program Don’t leave until tomorrow (Radio con Vos) about the act carried out by the denialist Victoria Villarruel last Monday. Bregman also wondered if so much demand from the Menem government is not also a demand for pardons. He went back to explain once more why the civic-military dictatorship was a class genocide and to demand the opening of the archives.
Myriam Bregmanpresidential candidate for the Left Unity Front, spoke with Romina Manguel on your show Dont leave for tomorrow (Radio con Vos) about the act carried out by the denialist Victoria Villarruel in the Buenos Aires Legislature last Monday.
We share here your main statements:
Bregman participated together with his running mate Nicolás del Caño and Buenos Aires deputy Alejandrina Barry in the press conference and mobilization called by human rights organizations (such as the Memory, Truth and Justice Meeting), political and social organizations against said act.
It may interest you: CABA: important mobilization against the denial act called by Victoria Villarruel
It may interest you: CABA: important mobilization against the denial act called by Victoria Villarruel
Politics / Myriam Bregman / Victoria Villarruel
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com