It’s 8M, International Women’s Daytens of thousands took to the streets in the first march of the women’s movement under the Milei government. The context calls for a strong response. Together with the mobilization of January 24 within the framework of the general strike, this is the second massive demonstration against the Milei Government, in this case to express the demands of the women’s movement and the repudiation of the adjustment policies.

In just three months Milei is carrying out an adjustment plan that includes growth in poverty and hunger, a chainsaw against salaries, retirements and incomes, which impacts women even more. The mobilization occurred while the governors met with Nicolás Posse and Guillermo Francos at Casa Rosada. At the same time, Milei is predisposed to attack women’s rights, as was recently seen in the speech she gave at the Cardenal Copello school, speaking once again against the right to abortion. Something that she also expressed with the threat of discounting unemployment benefits for state workers and with the fencing in front of Congress by the police during the rally.

The mobilization took place in different cities of the country, in Neuquén, Mar del Plata, Mendoza, Córdoba and Salta it was massive. In the Buenos aires city neighbors participated in the day neighborhood assemblies of the entire AMBA, who have been organizing against the DNU, the Bullrich Protocol and promoted the mobilization to tear down the Omnibus Law. Workers also participate in the struggle and face layoffs and company closures, such as the Telam Agency; workers of Outsourced GPS from Aerolíneas Argentinafighting for layoffs and attempted privatization and workers of the INCAAwho also suffered layoffs.

Health workers also participated, who are suffering from the adjustment in hospitals and their salaries, and they carry out the Health and Care Post that has been organized to accompany the mobilizations. The teachers were also part of their demands, against the attacks on their right to strike and protest while the budget for public education was cut.

Women’s movement organizations such as the National Campaign for the Right to Abortion and the Ni Una Menos Collective, human rights organizations, political parties and social organizations called for the march.

The deliberations to promote it took place in different assemblies. From sectors that participate in the neighborhood assemblies, workers in struggle and leftist organizations, it was suggested that the union centers have to call for a new general strike and a plan to tear down the adjustment implemented by Milei and the governors.

In the same vein, the left promoted an independent mobilization of all governments and their parties, from Av. 9 de Julio to Congress with the slogan “Down with the Milei and the IMF plan. CGT and CTA: strike and plan of struggle. “We defend legal abortion in the streets.”

Since the mobilization Myriam Bregman, leader of Pan y Rosas and national deputy of the Left Front, maintained that the march was very important to confront the adjustment and attack on women’s rights and sexual diversity. “What was seen today is that when we take to the streets we are unstoppable, we have enormous strength. When we say that the union centers have to call for a plan of struggle we are talking about this, that all the strength we have is expressed together , to stop the layoffs at GPS, to stop the attacks in Acindar, everything that is happening in recent days” he stated. In turn, she pointed out against the speculations of political leaders who pose as “opponents”, highlighting that while the governors were in the Casa Rosada the women were in the square.


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