Alberto Núñez Feijóo and María Guardiola have met again in public for the first time since that Friday in June in which the leadership of the PP twisted the arm of its leader in Extremadura so that he would assume a coalition government with Vox to unseat the winner of the elections of May 28, the PSOE. It was in Badajoz, at the first meeting of the general election campaign on July 23. Both have exchanged messages from the lectern. Guardiola has given “heartfelt thanks” to her leader. He has assured that he has chosen the city of Extremadura for the act “because he is very morbid to talk about María Guardiola”.
Feijóo attacks Abascal after the crisis over the agreements with Vox while assuming a coalition government with the extreme right
The aspirant to remove Pedro Sánchez from Moncloa has spun a speech with two conflicting messages. He has dedicated the first part to defending the general alliance with the ultra-right to achieve territorial power in autonomies and municipalities. Before Guardiola, sitting in first, she has assured: “I wish all the agreements made in Spain in recent years were equally transparent.”
But the “transparency” of the PP-Vox pact in Extremadura does not officially know why Guardiola’s change of position occurred after attending the inauguration of Isabel Díaz Ayuso as president in Madrid. The future first president of the Board said after signing with the ultras: “My word is not as important as the future of Extremadura.” At that same time, Feijóo said: “In times when the word of a politician is worthless, I claim the politics of the word. Without words there is no politics”.
Exactly one week later, the PP has already turned the page of its public debate on the value of the word. And Feijóo has chosen, as he already did after other agreements, to support what was signed. “We do not make pacts of shame, we make pacts with the papers, contents, publicity and with the heart”, pointed out the candidate for the Presidency of the Government. “Listening to ‘sanchismo’ give lessons on pacts is sarcasm,” he added.
The pact signed by PP and Vox in Extremadura includes, among other issues, the erasure of sexist violence, the introduction of parental veto in classrooms, the extension of the life of nuclear power plants and the promotion of bullfights. In addition, Guardiola ceded the Ministry of Forestry and Rural Affairs to the ultras. There they will be able to rehearse their crusade against “climate fanaticism” and “green laws”.
In the second part of his speech, however, Feijóo lashed out harshly against Santiago Abascal’s party, whom he already directly attacked earlier in the week. The leader of the PP has accused the PSOE of “getting votes for the PP not to govern”, due to the failed investiture of Fernando López Miras in Murcia.
And then, as he did on Thursday in Castelldefels (Barcelona), he has attacked the presence of the ultras in positions of responsibility. “I want an effective government, without intermediaries, without commission agents, that comes directly from the polls, without contaminating, that only obeys the voters,” he said. “I want a government in one piece, to reform our country. The ballot that guarantees to put an end to ‘sanchismo’ is that of the PP”, he has settled.
Feijóo has asked for the vote for the first time in this campaign “to achieve change, so that Spain has a solid, focused, reformist government.” And he added: “So that there are no blocks or blockades. Neither of those who believe they can lose by entrenching themselves in power, nor of those who want to hinder political change in Spain. Another reference, veiled, to Vox.
Feijóo has had time to promise that if he governs and a minister “lies” he will be “removed after 60 minutes.” And he wanted to delve into the open wound in Sumar due to the absence of the Minister of Equality, Irene Montero, on Yolanda Díaz’s lists. “Pedro Sánchez has asked him to stop it,” he said. “And he has done it,” he pointed out. “There is nothing like a party partner to get fired,” he has maintained.
The parallels between the drawing drawn by Feijóo on Irene Montero and what they did to Pablo Casado in February 2022 for him to become the leader of the PP are inevitable.
Guardiola: “We are whole”
Guardiola has acted before Feijóo, in his first major public act after signing the pact with Vox. “As much as they tell you, Extremadura is not socialist,” he began, despite the fact that the PSOE won the May elections. The leader of the PP has assured that they were “tired of hearing that it was impossible.” “You are not going to win”, she has assured that they told her. “Seeing is believing, what some would say. I prefer to say believe to see, and listen to do ”, she has maintained.
“The change in Extremadura is going to reach Spain, and it is going to reach Moncloa,” Guardiola harangued.
The future president has also criticized the “childish and capricious politicians who use” the PP “as if it were a piñata to be hit hard at their birthday parties.” “And something I know about this too”, she has continued her. “But we have not broken and there are no sweets, we are here whole,” she said. “The PP is much more than its entertainment, it is a party with depth, responsibility, generosity and firm roots. We are not a flower of a day ”, she has pointed out.
Guardiola has thanked Feijóo for “turning around” with her. And he wanted to “minimally return the support.” “Politics is also a kind of reunion, people who come and go. There is always time to be in the government or the opposition, but you always have to have time to do things from the heart. That is why I want to thank you from the heart ”, she has settled.
Source: www.eldiario.es