After the massive federal university march, the government acknowledged receipt and decided to speed up the treatment of the so-called “Bases Law” in Congress to show initiative. The speed of the announcement prevented the reactionary content of this project from reaching the vast majority of the population, therefore, as the days passed and the debates progressed, the discussions spread through traditional media and social networks. , which became another terrain of political dispute and battle of ideas. The videos of the interventions, with the explanations of what was being voted on and the negotiations with the governors and the caste, began from the commissions and were shared in the work groups, faculties, schools, neighborhood and family assemblies. .
This is how Myriam Bregman’s words reached more than a million people, explaining how the proposal to facilitate the dismissal of workers is an idea that they have been trying to rehash since the Onganía dictatorship.
@nicolasdelcano.ok The allowances are increased and they put their hand in the pocket of the most precarious worker. Those who in the campaign filled their mouths talking against caste and saying that they would cut off an arm before increasing a tax, today they want to collect income tax from thousands of workers and increase the monotax, while removing taxes from the same businessmen who got rich all these years. They are going to vote on a labor reform to take away the rights of millions of workers, with crushing inflation and flattened salaries because they do not want to standardize the parities. If you think that this is going to happen just like that, you are very wrong. The union centers have to unite the struggles of all sectors right now, and draw up a plan of struggle to organize the fight and overthrow the plan of the government and its allies.
♬ original sound – Nico del Caño
Only the PTS bank accounts reached 7.5 million views on X and had 90,000 “likes”; 6.5 million views on Instagram with 530,000 “likes” and 3.5 million views with 261,000 “likes” on Tik Tok.
If we count this, Together with the reach of La Izquierda Diario and other PTS references, on Twitter alone, we achieved a reach of 13 million impressions, 267,000 “likes” and 75,000 retweets. In part this explains why Myriam Bregman has been a “trending topic” for much of the day.
The denunciations of the law garnered millions of impressions, but the parliamentary interventions were also used as a platform for denounce the Palestinian genocide in Gazawith the motion of privilege against Milei made by Christian Castillo or the closure of the PTS block of Nicolás del Caño, which was referenced in the enormous youth mobilization on an international scale that is taking place in the United States and Europe.
Knowing that neither the traditional media nor the companies that run the main platforms seek to highlight the words of the revolutionaries, that our voices are heard and read in the traditional media is a confirmation of the role that our references have had in the debate; The fact that their interventions multiply by millions on social networks is also not due to any favor of the algorithms that direct the main platforms (which in fact have been seeking to limit the reach of political content) but rather due to the interest of tens of thousands of people in sharing it and making it reach further. Agitation is a central part of our role that was also clearly differentiated from the sectors of opposition Peronism by the strong weight that the call had to mobilize those millions of workers, students and retirees to defend our rights in the streets, a realistic proposal to stop the approval that the government was negotiating, given the immobility of the union centers and the vast majority of sectors aligned with the previous government. But the anger accumulates in the conversations, it is about preparing a huge mobilization for when they want to discuss the project in the Senate, working on the demands of the unions and student centers in the traditional media, on the networks and in each place of study and work.
As a result of this intense activity, they conducted dozens of interviews on all the main news channels (C5N, LN+, Crónica, A24, IP, Extra) and with numerous radio stations, many of which can be seen on the PTS YouTube channel. and that were also reflected in La Izquierda Diario. The impact continued to be replicated in various reports, both on television, radio and streaming channels.
It also reached printed newspapers and nearly a hundred articles in the main digital portals such as various articles in La Nación, Clarín, laudatory articles in Página/12, Perfil, El Cronista, El Destape or Infobae.
We share some measurements of the reach of our representatives in Congress and their participation in traditional media in order to have a magnitude of their impact.
And Twitter (o
On Twitter, there were more than 7,600,000 impressions in the last week, with 93,000 likes and 25,000 retweets only between the posts of the 4 deputies in that week. For its part, the La Izquierda Diario account added more than 300,000 impressions.
Today they want to raise the retirement age for women to 65 years.
— Myriam Bregman (@myriambregman) April 29, 2024
1.4 Million views
Today they want to privatize Aerolíneas Argentinas.
— Myriam Bregman (@myriambregman) April 29, 2024
855 thousand views
And Instagram
On Instagram it was also seen how broad sectors joined the fight on the networks, sharing and commenting on dozens of publications. From the interventions of Myriam Bregman when they tried to silence her from the presidency of the Chamber, also Nicolás del Caño denouncing the lies of the Milei campaign and its agreement with the caste, Christian Castillo denounces the oil lobby and the intersection of Alejandro Vilca with the unusual accusation by the unusual Lemoine of having a “virgin CUIT”.
The reach was more than 6 million impressions and reproductions among the 4 deputies, with more than 1.6 million accounts reached only from Myriam Bregman’s account, more than 15,000 new followers on her accounts in those days. To this we add 1.5 million impressions reached by La Izquierda Diario on this platform. If we add other partisan public references The reach is almost 7 million impressions and 566,000 “likes”.
Best Tik Tok
3,200,000 video views accumulated among the 4 PTS deputies in the Left Front Unity in the last week alone, 261,000 likes and 24,000 shares. Only between Nicolas and Myriam’s accounts there were 18,480 hours watched by more than 1 million people (something like a TV program with 10 rating points). Adding to this the more than 5,500 hours played on the La Izquierda Diario account.
@myriambregman They came talking about caste, and this is the basis of a new caste. What is being approved here is to facilitate the dismissal of dozens and dozens of workers. Do you know who came up with this? Videla. They are not going to silence us
♬ sonido original – Myriam Bregman
@nicolasdelcano.ok The allowances are increased and they put their hand in the pocket of the most precarious worker. Those who in the campaign filled their mouths talking against caste and saying that they would cut off an arm before increasing a tax, today they want to collect income tax from thousands of workers and increase the monotax, while removing taxes from the same businessmen who got rich all these years. They are going to vote on a labor reform to take away the rights of millions of workers, with crushing inflation and flattened salaries because they do not want to standardize the parities. If you think that this is going to happen just like that, you are very wrong. The union centers have to unite the struggles of all sectors right now, and draw up a plan of struggle to organize the fight and overthrow the plan of the government and its allies.
♬ original sound – Nico del Caño
@alejandrovilcajujuy The approval of the Bases and Fiscal Law is done with a give and take between the Government and the governors. Milei’s friendly blocs fight to see which is more anti-worker, while they continue to give enormous benefits to businessmen. What they are voting for is a regular attack on workers. I insist: know that the people have memory, there are votes from which there is no return. From our bench we reaffirm our commitment to the working majorities, we are the only ones (or almost) who on the premises and in the streets defend, and will defend, their rights. Because we are convinced that it is the only productive class that can provide a solution in favor of those below. #congress #baseslaw #deputies #milei #workers ♬ original sound – AlejandroVilca
@chipicastillo28 At the venue it was said that an oil company was calling deputies: it is clear why it was calling them. They give the green light to the oil companies, they can do what they want, without guaranteeing internal supply. It is scandalous! Our absolute opposition to transforming it into an oil company factory, the oil cartel imposes what it wants.
♬ original sound – Christian Castillo
The fight will continue in the coming weeks, organizing to mobilize the Senate with everything. Join this fight by spreading this petition in person and online to demand that the CGT, the CTA and our unions call for a strike and mobilization that day.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com