The organization that brings together air pilots (APLA) published a statement this Friday afternoon announcing a new force measure for this Thursday, March 28. “Given the lack of responses from government officials and company authorities to our repeated complaints about salary arrears that already exceed 83%, we have decided to completely stop activities for 48 hours starting at midnight on “Thursday, March 28” can be read in the published text, after holding an Extraordinary General Assembly in the Aerolíneas Argentinas sector. After the announcement, the adhesion of the Argentine Association of Aeronauts was also added.
The measure is a continuation of the strike on February 28, when aviation workers paralyzed airports throughout the country. On that occasion, despite the decision without consultation from the union leadership, the measure affected all domestic and international flights and showed a great willingness of the workers to fight to defend working and salary conditions and also the flag airline before the privatization plans.
The new measure puts the claim for working and salary conditions at the center. And the statement states: “Seeking to minimize the impact on users, we emphasize that adequate advance notice is being given. The national government has the opportunity to resolve this conflict. The impact on the air service and passengers will be its full responsibility. “.

This new protest action is announced at a particular moment, in which not only the government’s privatization plans are maintained but also business attacks such as in the outsourced GPS company of Aerolíneas Argentinas, where there were 40 layoffs.
This harsh attack is part of the emptying plan that they are preparing as a prelude to justify the advanced privatization that they want to carry out, and that is why it is inseparable from any other claim such as the defense of working conditions and wages.
Defending salaries and working conditions is also fighting to defend Aerolíneas Argentinas. That is why the measure announced by APLA and Aeronavegantes is a new opportunity to unify all the claims, as happened on February 28, and hit hard against the intentions of the employers’ associations and the Government, making it clear that there is strength and determination to face all attacks.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com