The director of Quirón Fernando Camino manages the company that bought the masks in the 2 million euro hit that Isabel Díaz Ayuso’s partner, Alberto González Amador, gave in 2020 by brokering a purchase of medical supplies during the worst of the pandemic. Camino was one of the founders of the front company that González Amador used in 2021 to channel part of the fraud with which, as revealed, he committed two tax crimes and another alleged crime of document falsification through a plot of false invoices and front men .

This Quirón executive is also one of the people who created the Panamanian company that the couple of the president of the Community of Madrid led until 2022. Camino has presided over Quirón Prevention since 2020. He has been a director of the healthcare group since 2015, when this healthcare giant Private healthcare bought the mutual insurance company of which he was administrator, Frater Prevention. This company had already been hiring the services of Alberto González as a consultant for years.

According to the Commercial Registry, Camino has been a member of the board of directors of the Galician company Mape Asesores since 2019, which in 2020 placed an order for healthcare supplies worth 42 million euros with which Alberto González earned 1,973,000 euros in commissions paid to him by the company. that supplied the masks, the Catalan FCS Select Products.

“He is an external director,” indicates a spokesperson for Quirón, asked about the functions of his manager at Mape. The Galician company has declined to make any comment.

The link between Ayuso’s partner and the president of Quirón Prevention, González Amador’s main client, does not end in Mape or in that company in Panama, a firm that, Quirón emphasizes, was created when Fernando Camino was not yet in the group. The healthcare giant denies any relationship with that company in the Central American country, which is on the EU’s list of tax havens.

Fernando Camino is also one of the three people who formed the front company that Ayuso’s partner used to divert part of the income that, after the mask bombing, González Amador received in 2021 from Quirón and continue defrauding the Treasury.

To do this, it used a “mere intermediary company,” according to the Tax Agency, without employees and dedicated to the cosmetics and pharmacy sector. González Amador bought it at the end of 2020 and renamed it with the not at all succinct name Masterman & Whitaker Medical Supplies and Health Process Engineering SL.

This company had been established in November 2008 in León with a much shorter company name, Círculo Belleza SL. According to the Tax Agency report that gave rise to the Prosecutor’s complaint, it was created by three shareholders: the current director of Quirón, Fernando Camino (20%), Gloria Carrasco (60%) and Antonio Carrasco (20%).

Gloria Carrasco always appeared as administrator of that company. Quirón neither confirms nor denies that she is the wife of the president of Quirón Prevention. Gloria Carrasco, a pharmacist from León, has declined to respond to

In León there is also the law firm run by Javier Gómez, the person who represented Isabel Díaz Ayuso’s partner when the Treasury opened the inspection. This prosecutor, who also did not answer the calls from this medium, manages Babia Capital SL, the company that has in her name since July 2023 the luxury penthouse that the Madrid president and her partner enjoy in the Chamberí neighborhood . This property, valued at more than 1.5 million euros, is on the upper floor of the apartment that Alberto González put in her name in July 2022, after defrauding the Treasury.

Ayuso’s partner used Masterman SL, created in 2008 by the president of Quirón Prevention, to divert the income he received from the health group for a “large account services framework contract”, under an agreement signed on December 15, 2021.

With this agreement, “the billing for the work related to the expansion in Latin America” of Quirón and “the part of JCI (proposal for the development and implementation of the International Joint Commission in the Jiménez Díaz Foundation)” was transferred to Masterman SL, according to verified the Tax Agency.

The JCI is an accreditation granted to healthcare corporations in which the healthcare and operational management systems of healthcare centers are evaluated from the point of view of healthcare quality, patient safety and the effectiveness of their processes. Quirónsalud announced that it would obtain this certificate at the end of 2022. This week, information about the JCI was no longer available on the Quirón website.

In parallel to the signing of that agreement to assign those jobs to that former cosmetics and beauty company, the company that González Amador until then used to bill Quirón for its services, Maxwell Cremona, issued an invoice to Masterman SL for “Consulting from Systems to Clients” for 600,000 euros plus VAT.

But the Tax Agency verified that this second firm without employees did not have the means to carry out the work. And it also confirmed that the real amount invoiced in 2021 was actually much lower, 237,320 euros.

That, in short, was, according to the inspection, a “meaningless” transfer of work and a “simulation” in order to issue “a fictitious invoice” with which Alberto González obtained an “unacceptable tax advantage” by declaring artificial losses. in fiscal year 2021 with the objective of deducting them later.

One of the people who created this intermediary company was the president of Quirón Prevention, also the creator of that Panamanian firm and in turn a director of Mape.

The latter, which has extensive experience in the health sector, supplied gloves and masks to different public administrations during the pandemic.

Among Mape’s clients is the Community of Madrid, which since February 2020 has awarded it 39 contracts, most of them minor orders of small amounts (no more than 10,000 euros) for a total of 145,467.48 euros.

Mape has also received many small contracts from public institutions in Galicia, which according to data collected by El Salto have awarded it 162 hand-picked contracts for 129,060 euros since November 2020.

Among Mape’s clients, according to its website, there are also large companies such as Quirón Prevención itself, Iberdrola, FCC or Inditex, among others. The company is controlled by the Cachafeiro family. Mitjaterra D’Inversions, a company owned by Inditex director Jorge Pérez Marcote, director of Massimo Dutti and brother-in-law of Amancio Ortega, founder and largest shareholder of the textile giant, also participates in it with 20%.

Quirón has no participation in Mape. The group, owned by the German giant Fresenius, became the largest operator in the private health sector in Spain years ago, through purchases, and is one of the great beneficiaries of the privatization policies that the Madrid PP has been implementing for decades. .

Quirón manages three hospitals in the health network of the Community of Madrid, including the Jiménez Díaz Foundation, and had intense activity in the region during the hardest part of the pandemic, providing tracking services for infected people, supplying antigens or prevention of occupational risks. The current Madrid Health Minister, Fátima Matute, comes from this company.

In 2020, Mape’s turnover practically quadrupled, to a record of 113.2 million, according to its accounts for that year, available through Insight View. Its sales skyrocketed, although not as much as those of Maxwell Cremona, Alberto González’s main company, which multiplied its turnover by six in 2020 thanks to that commission of almost 2 million.

The payer of this consideration was the Catalan company FCS Select Products, which in exchange for intermediating in the purchase of medical supplies for Mape paid Ayuso’s couple 4.5% of the total supplied to the Galician group.

González Amador assured the inspection that IHD Inteconn was also involved in this operation, a company supposedly based in Florida (United States) of which there is no trace in the registry of that State. Florida is the territory in which Isabel Díaz Ayuso’s partner created a company in October 2022, when she had already defrauded the Treasury and the Tax Agency had opened the inspection that led to the Prosecutor’s complaint.


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