After the interview that Cristina Kirchner gave this Thursday at C5N, where she reaffirmed that she will not be a candidate and confirmed that she will be the speaker at the May 25 event organized by Peronism, Alberto Fernández joined the call.
Through a publication on his Twitter account, the president sent a message in which he invited them to participate in the event that will take place in Plaza de Mayo next Thursday. Twenty years after the inauguration of the Néstor Kirchner government, in recent days it has been confirmed that the only speaker that day will be the vice president. The closure of Fernández’s publication, calling to listen to Cristina Kirchner’s speech despite the disputes within the ruling party, seems to be a gesture of unity in order to try to order the internal Frente de Todos. With the slogan “Néstor unites us”, the message seems to be a gesture within a divided Peronism and which, as a result of its weakness and its bad image for being responsible for the adjustment demanded by the IMF, has not yet defined its electoral strategy.
On 5/25/2003 history changed. The arrival of Néstor Kirchner began a path of moral reparation, social justice and human rights.
On his 20th birthday, I call on everyone to honor him in Plaza de Mayo and listen to his life partner, @CFKArgentina.#NestorNosUne pic.twitter.com/2WouFGPzwg
– Alberto Fernandez (@alferdez) May 19, 2023
Of floors and ceilings
“We are facing an election of thirds, where the important thing, more than the ceiling, is the floor”, said Cristina Kirchner during the interview this Thursday. Pronounced that way, it was the first time the vice president had given such a message.
In an election marked by disappointment and anger with the Frente de Todos for its responsibility at the forefront of the adjustment demanded by the IMF, uncontrolled inflation and wages that have fallen far short of the promised recovery, the electoral scenario is moving on dangerous ground for the officialdom. With a Milei on the rise in the polls, the ruling party is playing to install a scenario divided into three seeking to raise the price of the liberal candidate and betting that he will seize a good part of the votes that the opposition of Together for Change could capture . This bet, which starts from acknowledging one’s own weakness, has an element in favor: the failure of Macri’s management and the return to the Monetary Fund, with an agreement that the Frente de Todos later legitimized, are still very fresh. in popular memory. For this reason, Cristina insists that “The important thing is to enter the ballot” and seems to cling to the possibility of a survival that seems improbable, but not impossible.
In this scenario, and after confirming again that she will not be a candidate as she had previously said, she left messages of support for “Sergio” -who is Massa- and Wado de Pedro. “Sergio grabbed a hot potato” declared CFK, and today the Minister of Economy picked up the glove during the act he led in San Fernando: “When we had to grab the hot potato, we took over.” Cristina’s support for the adjustment led by the leader of the Frente Renovador -which will hold its congress on June 10- is something that is visible to all.
But at the same time, during the interview he left another prominent phrase in which he said: “I hope the children of the decimated generation take over.” The message was interpreted and overinterpreted during the last hours, but what leaves no doubt is that today the Minister of the Interior is the only one of the presidential candidates that the vice president recognizes as her own, and that she has been working on different nods to the establishment as a form of to show the contributions of Christianity to governability and order.
With only 36 days to go before the deadline to present candidacies, the Frente de Todos is at the crossroads of facing a campaign in which it must defend an officialism that has been responsible and guarantor of the adjustment demanded by the IMF, after legitimizing the scam of the macrista debt. This difficulty is what explains the uncertainty and lack of definition that still exists to this day, and the disputes within the ruling party.
Within this framework and entering the definition time, it is expected that the act of May 25 will leave some for the Simultaneous and Mandatory Open Primaries.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com