This Sunday is the sixth day of camping of the Third Malón de la Paz in the City of Buenos Aires. They do it in Plaza Lavalle, in front of the Federal Courts. The claim is the same that led to a huge struggle in the province of Jujuy: down with the Constitutional Reform of Morales and Peronism.
The original communities arrived in the capital of the country on Tuesday, August 1, after traveling thousands of kilometers. They had left Jujuy the previous week. This mobilization It is part of a huge struggle that has been taking place in that province since the beginning of June.. The working people of Jujuy reject the reactionary reform that tries to prevent the right to protest.
The Third Malón de La Paz arrived in Buenos Aires last week, after touring a large part of the country. With a camp in the courts, the fight against the Reform voted for by Gerardo Morales and the PJ continues, with repression and persecution. pic.twitter.com/8Q2en8ZBMT
– The Daily Left (@izquierdadiario) August 6, 2023
Javier Almirón, a musician from Tucumán, present at the camp of the original Communities of Jujuy in the City of Buenos Aires. He is one of the artists who was present to accompany that fight that follows. pic.twitter.com/ruJhpsAWHV
– The Daily Left (@izquierdadiario) August 6, 2023
This Saturday night there was a Solidarity festival to surround the camp and the fight with support of the communities. Together with the solidarity artists, leaders of social, union and political organizations were present. Raúl Godoy, national leader of the PTS-Left Front, was present to continue accompanying. This Sunday Patricio del Corro, also a leader of that party, was also present.
The camp turns 6 days without the communities having been received by the national authorities. In particular, the attitude of the Ministry of the Interior, led by Wado de Pedro, is notorious. It must be remembered that, in the crudest moments of Morales’ repression, Kirchnerism used what happened in Jujuy as part of a campaign against Together for Change. Today, however, it does not seem willing to serve the communities.
Sixth day of the indigenous permanence in Plaza Lavalle del Tercer Malon in Buenos Aires.
Not even the Minister of the Interior Wado de Pedro received them.
But if a Yankee ambassador comes they run away.— Natalia Morales (@NatuchaMorales) August 6, 2023
At the same time, the campsite suffers mistreatment from the Buenos Aires administration. The Rodríguez Larreta Police He had been preventing the installation of chemical toilets in order to have greater comfort in the place. This same Sunday, the harassment of the police and the urban Guard of the City returned.
Reprehensible action of Larreta / Morales harassing the indigenous brothers and sisters of the Third Malón.
And while this happens, the silence of the national government… https://t.co/Z2eSfsqxXZ— Natalia Morales (@NatuchaMorales) August 6, 2023
Here the police provoking older adults who seek to protect themselves from the rain. pic.twitter.com/2FNZgTQSFN
– Duck of the Corro (@Patriciodc) August 6, 2023
It is logical that it acts like this: put the repressor Morales as his vice-presidential candidate. However, this Saturday, with the collaboration of leaders of the PTS-Left Front -such as Alejandro Vilca and Natalia Morales- this obstacle was overcome.
Finally, the brothers and sisters of the Third Malón who camped in front of the Courts were able to have the chemical toilets that the Larreta police, an ally of Morales, denied them to install.
A contribution from our PTS/FIT benches, along with @myriambregman y @NicolasdelCano pic.twitter.com/pd5FeE9ZkQ
– Alejandro Vilca (@vilcalejandro) August 6, 2023
It is necessary support the claim of Down with the Reform raised by the communities. It is part of a fight against looting that comes hand in hand with extractivism defended by radicals, Peronists, Macristas and Kirchnerists.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com