Sandra and Ruben they had gone early to guarantee that the kids could have their hot mate when they entered the school, as they did every day, supporting public education to the lungs.
When we found out about the social crime of Moreno many and many of us were working in our schools and we were filled with hatred, anger and sadness when we heard the news.
Esa row He imposed a provincial strike of the teachers’ unions and also a measure of force of state unions, from the early hours of August 3, one day after the social crime of Sandra and Rubén.
The complaint for the existence of a gas leak in the institution had been made at least in 8 times. The death of Sandra and Rubén was a social crime that uncovered the acute crisis that public education has been going through for decades.
In the days that followed that August 2nd, the marches, the blankets, the demands of each school, each district multiplied. What each government on duty wanted to cover up became visible: the broken schools, the daily risk, las aulas Cromagnon.
State responsibility and years of educational disinvestment
The explosion could have been avoided if the provincial authorities with the former governor Mary Eugenia Vidal At the head, the then Minister of Education Sanchez Zinny and the municipality of Moreno -directed by the Kirchnerist Walter Festa- would have prioritized public education with a budget and investment in infrastructure.
Today we continue to fight against impunity and demand punishment from those politically responsible for the crime against Sandra and Rubén. The state is responsible.
In 2021 another school exploded again. This time it was in Neuquen, one of the richest provinces in the country based on the polluting extractivism of Vaca Muerta and the persecution of native peoples. Nicolás and Mariano died while carrying out maintenance tasks at shelter school no. 144 in Aguada San Roque. Mónica Jara, a teacher who had recently graduated, was taken to the hospital, she could not recover and died on July 12.
In 2018, in the district of Moreno and in other places in the province, days and months passed before classes resumed in many schools. The promised fixes were slow and in many cases incomplete. María Eugenia Vidal, who had filled her mouth saying that “because of the strikes, school days are lost”, on this occasion she did not seem to care that thousands of students could not attend schools due to her own responsibility.
Those of us who walk through the schools on a daily basis have always known that dozens of school days were lost due to the serious structural problems suffered by the schools.
This year, at the beginning of classes with the heat wave there were hundreds of schools where classes were suspended due to lack of conditions to work and study.
With the Suteba driving totally erased and increasingly integrated into the government, from each school and in unity with the Multicolor list, this year multiple actions were carried out in different districts demanding budget and immediate arrangements.
The calamitous state of thousands of educational establishments in the province that comes from the nineties, going through the governments of Scioli and Vidal, was not and is not a novelty for education workers, or for students, or for families. There is a provincialized educational system, which was the basis for disinvestment in public education and which was maintained by all governments, even with the National Education Law of 2006, under the government of Néstor Kirchner.
While millions continue to be allocated to pay an illegal and illegitimate debt and both Massa As the Governor Kicillof they fill their mouths in the electoral campaign talking about public education, we see how public schools continue to fall apart.
In the 2019 joint agreement with the government of the province of Buenos Aires, the 12 infrastructure points of Safe Schools were included, which take into account the recommendations of the Superintendency of Occupational Risks. None of them was fulfilled in its entirety.
The compañeros of the Brown List of Moreno will participate in the mobilization 5 years after this social crime, demanding assemblies and a plan to fight for an increase in the educational budget and immediate repairs in schools.
How do you present the proposals? of the Left Front UnityToday, more than ever, priorities must be reversed. Enough of broken schools! We fight for an increase in the educational budget, with control by teachers and the community, to build schools and gardens with access to technological tools and recreational spaces, canteens with quality and nutritious food, school guidance team in each school, emergency salary increase and go to the plant of the precarious. Money for education, not for the IMF!
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com