Photo: Altaf Qadri/AP

According to the Swedish institute V-Dem, linked to the University of Gothenburg, the global levels of what the institute calls “democracy” have fallen in 2022 to lower levels than in 1986. “dictatorships” surpassed “full democracies” for the first time since 1995. The information is from the Estadão.

The survey is considered in Europe a reference in measuring the levels of political regimes in the world and divides them into four aspects: full democracies, flawed democracies, electoral autocracies and dictatorships. The institute disregards, however, deeper cultural traits that cannot be framed in simple terms, which take into account only the European and Western conception of society.

The institute classified more than 180 countries in these criteria, evaluating items such as freedom of the press, independence between powers, police repression and integrity of the electoral system, basic concepts of the Western model of what an ideal “democracy” would be.

According to the report, released last month, the number of full democracies in the world fell from a peak of 44 in 2009 to 32 last year. The number of dictatorships, which in 2012 was at its lowest number, 22, in 2012 rose to 33.

Former President Jair Bolsonaro (PL) with the crown prince of the Saudi Arabian dictatorship, Mohammed Bin Salman. The dictatorial Saudi government is allied with the United States and European Union countries. Photo: (Reproduction)
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