This Friday, May 17, tire workers will hold a day of events and demonstrations simultaneously in the south, west and north areas, where the factories that today monopolize tire manufacturing in Argentina, Bridgestone, Pirelli and Fate, are located.
These actions are carried out within the framework of layoffs in the three factories and specifically as a result of the major attack in Fate, where the company run by Javier Madanes Quintanilla, one of the richest businessmen in Argentina, also owner of Aluar, ordered the dismissal. of 97 workers assigning an “adverse situation” of the economy for the national industry with the opening of imports and other measures.
The conflict in Fate is in Mandatory Conciliation for 15 days between the company and the SUTNA (Single Union of Argentine Tire Workers) with those fired within the factory with provisional income tokens, since the company took away their permanent income.
With this panorama, SUTNA calls for a day of events and protests for the reinstatement of all those dismissed from Fate and all those dismissed from the tire union. In the same call, the anti-worker nature of the Basic Law that includes the Labor Reform and the return of the salary tax is denounced, they take a stand for the working conditions and the ongoing theft from retirees.
In the northern zone the call is on Av. Avellaneda and Acceso Tigre, in the town of Virreyes, very close to the location of the Fate factory; in the west area in front of Merlo station and in the southern area a few meters from the Lavallol roundaboutall actions are called at 15 hs simultaneously. They call on all Unions and Organizations of unemployed workers in the northern zone to come together with their flags and demands to come together in a common fight against the government’s attack plan.
The Granate Tire Group promotes a broad solidarity campaign for those laid off via networks, and also denounces the anti-union nature of this attack, which seeks to fully hit the organization of tire workers who in 2022 carried out a great fight for demands salaries with a huge media campaign against it, in connivance of the employers’ associations and the Frente de Todos government. As well as a demand to the CGT for unemployment when the Bases Law is discussed.
Jobs are not a variable to adjust. No family on the street! It is necessary to surround all Fate workers with broad solidarity in their fight for layoffs.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com