Starting at 4:00 p.m. this Monday, Cristina Kirchner, Sergio Massa and Pablo Cerianiowner of the flag carrier, carried out a new campaign act. This time the excuse was the 15th anniversary of the renationalization of the company, together with the inauguration of a flight simulator to train new pilots.
Cristina again made it clear that is embarking on banking Sergio Massa’s campaign, who a few years ago was the “traitor” and who asked that he go to jail. Today when the leader of the Renovation Front He is in charge of carrying out the adjustment and continuing to negotiate with the Fund, revalidating the denounced Macrista scam, the vice president is shown next to Massa, seeking out make the “man from the North American embassy” palatable to broad sectors of Kirchnerism. Already before the inauguration of the Néstor Kirchner gas pipeline, his words were more than eloquent: “I have to thank you, Sergio, for the strength that you have been putting into him since you became a minister,” were his words then.
Both Massa and Cristina they sought to register Aerolíneas in a supposed path of growth. It was the Minister of Economy who stated: “In terms of tourism impact, we are breaking records for incoming tourism. And it is very important for Argentina, which needs economic sovereignty based on accumulating reserves.” Cristina even allowed herself to make jokes, stating that “”Aerolíneas transports salmon from Argentina to Miami; Now Messi and Antonela are going to enjoy it too”. As the country heads into recession this year and reserves are in the red, these words go up in smoke to the rostrum. and the great majorities that are faced with its concrete consequences.
In this way, the different speakers sought to show the management of Airlines as a model to follow. Polarizing with Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, Sergio Massa stated: “Listen to the current Head of Government who said that the residents of the Conurbano when they buy milk pay the ticket for those who travel to Rome. What I ask is that we at least be serious and rigorous with the numbers” and added: “This year we give 30 million of the Treasury contribution from last year, for four years, the “efficient” spent 300 million dollars per year to the company, and despite that, they lowered frequencies, bought services outside and defunded”.
While Massa tries to sell the management and Cristina affirms that Pablo Ceriani is one of “the officials who do work”, the reality is that job insecurity is commonplace, with hundreds of workers who do it outsourced to Aerolíneas Argentinas, with less rights and income and often exposed to unhealthy situations. A daily reality to which is added even at this time the possible progress in layoffs in one of these outsourced companies, as denounced by the workers of the “El Despegue” group.
URGENT. Third parties from Aerolíneas Argentinas, UADEL company in AEP, are unemployed since the company that is going to take the service is leaving them out without a contract. A very serious attack on those who clean the planes day after day and are part of the operation. No family on the street!
— Luciano Corradi (@luchocorradi) July 14, 2023
At the same time, being able to travel around the country by plane continues to be a reality far from that of the vast majority. With a poverty that reaches around 40% of the populationWe are talking about a possibility that barely reaches a sector of the country.
That is why when Cristina affirms “”I want to tell all the workers of AA: I was very happy with the merger between AA and Austral, which was a drama, and also for the effort and grit they put into it, for the efficiency in management and the pride of having made a decision 15 years ago and then saying ‘we were not wrong’, it was a good decision”, re-naturalizes the logic of access and conditions that are less and less the heritage of the whole. The measures, which should start from ending the adjustment and breaking the Fund’s conditions, should also take into account in the case of Airlines, the need for true nationalization, under the control of the workersto manage it not under the business guideline of optimizing profits, but to respond to the interests of the workers themselves and the vast majority, being able to provide a service that truly meets these needs.
Wash your hands with the dollars that escaped abroad
In a new attempt to throw blame outward, Cristina Kirchner asked that one not only look at the numbers of poverty and inflation, without taking capital flight into account. Referring to the lack of dollars in the country, she remarked that “the dollars are not here because they are abroad.” It is true that large companies are among those most responsible for the critical social situation, but the information presented by the vice president remains incomplete because she omitted to say that between 2003 and 2015 (under the governments of Néstor Kirchner and his) US$100 billion left the country.
The referent of Union for the Fatherland, the seal with which they seek to renew the space, explained that: “On June 29, 2023, the study of the international accounts of Argentina was published. What are they? The dollars, guys, 428.635 million dollars are the assets formed abroad by individuals and legal entities from Argentina.” He also added that they are owned by a small group of Argentines, but he avoided mentioning when and how they were taken out of the country.
Bearing in mind that during the Cambiemos government, US$86 billion fled the country and the US$100 billion already mentioned corresponding to the Kirchner governments, we can say that almost half of those assets are the responsibility of the two majority coalitions todayThere are no big differences at this point. The problem is structural due to the backwardness of the country and in the last decades the looting has only deepened.
Cristina also alleged that in the Panama Papers those who were exposed with funds in tax havens were the “M” and not the “K”, but it is another intentional cut from reality. In ArgenPapers, a book by Santiago O’Donnell and Tomás Lukin, it is stated that “The Panama Papers did not expose an isolated case” of the Macri family to hide their assets abroad. In the list that the authors build you can find all the political colors, they appear: Lázaro Báez, Blaquier (Ledesma), Coto, Garfunkel, Cristóbal López, Martín Redrado, Arcor, Magnetto, Antonio de la Rúa, Techint.
From the ruling party they never tried to affect the fugitives, on the contrary they tended to reward them. The INDEC statistics show an increase in the Gross Operating Surplus in recent years, which is a kind of approximation to the mass of profits of the capitalists (including those who take the dollars abroad). In the first quarter of 2016, the portion of the pie of wealth produced that businessmen took was 35.3% and in the same period of 2023 it amounted to 38.4%.. Simultaneously, the remuneration of salaried work lost in the same period almost six percentage points (from 54.2% to 48.4%) in its participation in the pie of the wealth produced in the country. Since his tenure at the Ministry of Economy, Massa has been working to accentuate this trend with gifts such as the soybean dollar or tax exemptions for different branches of industry and services.
In addition, the candidate for president presented in Congress a money laundering to allow those who want to bring their funds into the country to do so without consequences and at low cost. Kirchnerism questioned the laundering that Macri had carried out, but in fact they propose a similar policy.
The International Monetary Fund he could not be absent and Cristina ironically asked Massa if she would not be happy having those dollars to pay the external debt. But the flight and the debt are sisters, it is with the credits that the exchange of pesos for foreign currency is financed and then taken out of the country. Paying the Fund is only part of the cycle that plunges Argentina into backwardness. Getting out of this vicious circle implies ignoring the fraudulent foreign debt and expropriating the great escapers, something that Peronism has shown to be strongly opposed to.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com