The organizations that make up the Piquetero Struggle Front held a mobilization day in the City of Buenos Aires and other parts of the country. They demand: assistance to soup kitchens, increase in social programs and delivery of tools for the continuity of self-managed jobs.

In the City of Buenos Aires, the mobilization began at 11:00 am on Av. San Juan and 9 de Julio. The march went first to the Ministry of Social Development, secondly to the Obelisk where a tribute was paid to Facunado Molares, who died as a result of police repression by the City Police, and finally to Plaza a Mayo.

The Left Daily was present once again to publicize their claims and support their demands.

“We ask that food be restored in school canteens,” Mecha from the MTR explained to our mobile.

The fight measures were announced by the social organizations last Wednesday, after having held a meeting with government officials, who, despite having recognized the cuts in the delivery of food and tools for the work cooperatives, did not make any proposals. specific about it.

They declared themselves in a “state of mobilization and assembly” and ratified that they will maintain high social demands “in the face of the social crisis, which is deepening with adjustment and repression that they intend to pass off as a direct order of the International Monetary Fund“.

“We are going to continue on the street, the answer would be that there is no more adjustment,” said Leo from the Torre organization.

Melina, from the Argentine Rebel Movement (MAR), also gave her testimony: “Hunger in the neighborhoods can’t take it anymore and the government doesn’t respond. out of necessity,” he said.

In addition, Melina said that she is a teacher and fights for unity between the employed and the unemployed.


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