Condensed Milk Pie

With 3 ingredients and very simple preparation, this condensed milk tart recipe is irresistible!

Condensed Milk Pie

Recipe by Caion Alves


Prep time


Cooking time



Let’s make this Condensed Milk Pie!


  • 1/2 cup wheat flour (tea)

  • 1/2 can of condensed milk

  • 3 tablespoons of butter


  • Place the wheat flour and butter in a bowl. 
    Knead with your fingertips until the ingredients are incorporated and form a uniform dough that does not stick to your hands.
  • Make small balls with the dough and press them gently into pie molds, so that the dough is neither thick nor thin. 
    Arrange the pies side by side on a baking sheet.
  • Fill the pies with condensed milk but leave a little space without filling, otherwise it will overflow when baking. 
    Bake in a preheated oven at 180º₢ for 25 to 30 minutes.
  • Remove the condensed milk tarts carefully from the oven, wait for them to cool at room temperature and they are ready to serve.

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