During the early hours of Saturday, local time, Israel launched a new ground incursion into the Gaza Strip, with more than a thousand infantry troops and dozens of tanks that crossed the walls that divide that territory from the rest of the world.

In response to this new atrocity by the terrorist state of Israel, demonstrations of support for the Palestinian people were seen around the world, calling for a ceasefire and an end to the illegal occupation of their territory.

At the station Grand Central of New York, the most important in the city and with a very important symbolic weight, thousands of young Jews along with other activists, made a massive protest under the motto #NotInOurName (Not in our name) showing the solidarity of a sector of the people Jewish with the Palestinians and calling for a stop to the genocide.

Among those present, the renowned film director Michael Moore (Bowling for Columbine, Fahrenheit 9/11) made live broadcasts from his social networks and showed his support for the Palestinian cause.

Furthermore, the civil organization Jeweish Voice for Peace (Jewish Voice for Peace) announced that the activity was the largest “act of civil disobedience” in decades. The New York police arrested hundreds of protesters, demonstrating once again which side the repressive forces of the state are on.

All of this is happening in one of the most important cities in the US while President Biden continues to support the Zionist state. During his trip to Israel he was seen hugging Netanyahu, the Israeli premier, and recently questioned the death toll and injury numbers issued by the Gaza health ministry, although international human rights organizations and even the newspaper Ney York Times confirm the figures.

Yankee imperialism is one of the main supporters of Israel, for being its “gendarme” in the Middle East and for the power that Zionism has on North American soil. Another of the great supports is England and precisely there there were massive mobilizations that also asked for a ceasefire and an end to the genocide.

As the site reports Middle East Eyewhich was censored in Meta (Facebook, Instagram), hundreds of thousands demonstrated in central London, in front of Parliament, and took over the bridge over the River Thames. According to the same site, one of the largest mobilizations in the city since the movement against the war in Iraq in 2003. Not coincidentally carried out by the US and joined by the English government.

At the rally, organized by the Palestine Solidarity Campaign (Palestine Solidarity Campaign) and other groups, protesters could be heard chanting “Free Palestine” and “End genocide” as they moved towards Westminster after passing near Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s office in Downing Street.

Before the land incursion, the Zionist army carried out the most brutal bombings in recent times, leaving Gaza completely cut off and isolated from the rest of the world. A measure that, among other things, tries to hide the brutality of the genocide they are carrying out.

That is why mobilizations took place in dozens of places around the world, from large actions such as in Turkey to a few hundred showing their solidarity in South Korea, despite the police state that governs the country.

Another of the great solidarity actions took place in Indonesia, where thousands took to the streets to ask for an end to the massacre.

In Toronto, Canada also mobilized in front of the city’s Israeli consulate.

In Tunisia and Jordan there were also rallies in front of the diplomatic headquarters of Israel and its allies.

In the West Bank, mobilizations and protests have been taking place since before the beginning of the Israeli attacks, but yesterday there was a massive mobilization calling for a ceasefire.

In Europe there were not only huge demonstrations like the one in London but they also took place in Paris and Rome, two of the large capitals of countries that support the state of Israel. In these cases, as in the US, the police intervened, repressing the protesters to try to erase all support for the Palestinian people.

In Marseille there were also great displays of solidarity.

These international displays of solidarity not only undermine the position of the state of Israel in the world but also begin to create internal discontent. Before the start of the current Israeli offensive, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was going through a strong crisis with massive mobilizations against his attempts at judicial reform that gave extraordinary power to the Executive and, in this case, to the Government coalition that he maintains with untraorthodox and far-right, which sought to advance full colonization of the West Bank while keeping Gaza suffocated.

This discontent against the Netayahu Government reached an impasse with the beginning of the attacks. But after three weeks he begins to show some cracks. According to a survey published by the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, which indicates that the degree of acceptance of a full ground offensive on the Gaza Strip fell from 65% to 29% in recent weeks and that 49% want to postpone any type of invasion of Gaza. .

The poll published this Friday indicates a clear drop in support for what the Netanyahu government has been propagandizing as the next planned stage of the counteroffensive.

This combination of elements could become a problem for Netanyahu’s plans while international solidarity with the Palestinian people is redoubled.

Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com

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