Xóchitl Gálvez recognizes the triumph of Claudia Sheinbaum

Mexico City. At almost one in the morning, after the National Electoral Institute (INE) released the preliminary results of the presidential election, with a difference of more than 20 percent between her and Claudia Sheinbaum, Xóchitl Gálvez came out to recognize the victory of Morena’s candidate, as he considered the trends “irreversible”, although he warned that recognition is not free and added that he will continue as a defender of democracy.

After recognizing her entire campaign team, during a message issued in a hotel in the capital, she warned: “I will return in three or six years” and that she will always be “a warrior who will fight for a country in which life, truth and freedom.”

The candidate of the Strength and Heart Coalition for Mexico said, “A few moments ago the INE released its quick count, such a statistical exercise indicates a voting trend that is not favorable to my candidacy. A trend that, moreover, appears to be irreversible.

“I have always been a Democrat, firmly committed to respecting the law, I have demonstrated this as a citizen and throughout my political life, so I recognize that the trends for the presidential election do not favor me and that there is no information to suggest that this could change district calculations.

“A few minutes ago I contacted Dr. Claudia Sheinbaum to recognize the results of the election, I told her that I saw a Mexico with a lot of pain and violence, and I hoped that she could solve the serious problems of our people.”

Accompanied by the leaders of the PAN, PRI and PRD parties, the candidate stated: “I recognized the result because I love Mexico and because I know that if our government does well, our country will also do well; Without a doubt, it is a great historical milestone that our country will have its first female president, it is part of the important advances that we have achieved in terms of equality and gender”.

However, he added, I want to emphasize that my recognition is accompanied by a firm demand for results and solutions to the country’s serious problems and the indispensable respect for the Constitution and democratic institutions.

Therefore, she said, after asking for “cheer up” from the dozens of supporters who supported her, that they will “take to the streets as many times as necessary to defend the Republic and democracy”.

He added that during the campaign he made clear the profound differences that separate him from the government program of Morena and his allies, which is why he mentioned that he will continue “forward” and from the opposition he will exercise “vigilant work, criticizing what is not right, proposing realistic solutions to problems and defending causes that I sincerely believe in, such as support for seeking mothers, the struggle of women, the rights of indigenous peoples, the fight against corruption and, of course, the push for clean energy.”

He stated that “it is time to leave behind the rancor typical of campaigns to move to a phase of reconciliation in which what unites us as inhabitants of our common home, which is Mexico, is prioritized.

“We cannot close our eyes to the fact that this was a deeply unequal electoral process, marked by the systematic intervention of the federal Executive Branch and the factional use of social programs. It was, moreover, the most violent electoral process in the history of our country.”

Xóchitl Gálvez thanked the parties that promoted her and the citizens who gave her their vote and her supporters and party leaders who made her their candidate, she said, “I say to all of you, being the candidate of this great coalition of citizens and parties was the greatest honor of my life. I will cherish this memory for as long as God decides to keep me on this earth.”

By Néstor Jiménez and Gustavo Castillo, June 3, 2024.
Source: La Jornada

Source: https://www.ocafezinho.com/2024/06/03/candidata-derrotada-no-mexico-reconhece-vitoria-de-claudia-sheinbaum/

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