Faced with the assumption of Javier Milei as president, the national deputies from the Unity Left Front spoke with the media before entering the National Congress.

At the doors of the National Congress, Myriam Bregman was interviewed by the media about the new government that Javier Milei inaugurates starting today, the inauguration ceremony that takes place in the National Congress. The national deputy highlighted on C5N that the population is experiencing an “electoral scam” live, because Milei won the elections with a speech of adjusting to “the caste”, but all the measures that were pre-announced are an attack on the conditions of life of working people.

Bregman was also interviewed by CrónicaTV, where she stated that Milei “attacks fundamental things for youth, such as the Comprehensive Sexual Education law” and that “we have had to fight for each of the rights that working people and women have today for a long time.” “. That is why she declared her “concern and a permanent state of alert, along with all those workers who may be attacked.”

Politics / Nicolás del Caño / Myriam Bregman / Javier Milei / presidential inauguration

Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com

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