The deputy for the PTS in the FIT-U intervened in the Commission for impeachment and denounced that “the Supreme Courts were the great legitimizers of the reactionary coups of the last period.”
Myriam Bregman, deputy for the PTS in the FIT-U, made her intervention in the Commission for impeachment and denounced that “the Supreme Courts were the great legitimizers of the reactionary coups of the last period.”
At the beginning of her speech, the deputy repudiated the statements of deputy Espert against Eduardo Belliboni and reiterated that they had already presented a statement prior to today’s events repudiating their expressions. The deputy declared “he will surely be able to explain what he means by jail or bullet that he constantly asks for the protesters. We hope that he can explain here and that we can repudiate the sayings that he has been saying ”.
Then, the deputy pointed out that “there are two certainties that guide us in this debate and the first is that the Government of the Front of All is a government that failed, that profoundly failed to fulfill the electoral promises it had made. He said that he was going to end the macrista adjustment and not only did he not finish it but he deepened it, we are in the fifth consecutive year of falling wages and he could detail many facts that indicate the brutal adjustment that they are carrying out, mainly on retirees and social games, while day by day their submission to the International Monetary Fund and the payment of that infamous, illegal and illegitimate debt contracted by the Government of Mauricio Macri is reinforced, but in this debate it is becoming increasingly clear that it is a an issue that is comfortable for the Frente de Todos to polarize the issue of the Supreme Court with the right-wing opposition.”
Bregman pointed out that “the second certainty is that there are plenty of reasons to question this Supreme Court. Some repressors defended, others went through different political alliances… and here they are defended.”
Politics / Supreme Court / National Congress / Myriam Bregman / Chamber of Deputies
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com