Text: Julián Nieto

Dcoop, Federico Beltrán, Nonoki, TROPS, Sando, Clece, Freepik and Airzone, awarded by Prensa Ibérica, La Opinión de Málaga and Banco Sabadell for their decisive contribution to the productive fabric of Malaga and their important contribution to the local economy

Iberian Press, The Opinion of Malaga y Sabadell Bank They celebrated this afternoon in the Hotel Miramar of the capital of Malaga before more than 200 personasthe award ceremony for the first edition of the ‘Banco Sabadell Company of the Year Awards’awards that aim to highlight the efforts made in different areas by Spanish companies with headquarters or representation in Malaga. These eight awards have rewarded those initiatives that contribute significantly to the generation of wealth, innovation and employment. This awards ceremony was also sponsored by Ubico Corporate Mobility, MARCOS Jewelry y Vueling.

Dcoopthe Malaga-based agri-food group with its headquarters in Antequera and which achieved exports worth 635.7 million euros in 2023 (Company of the Year); Federico Beltranpresident of the Malaga meat business Famadesa (Entrepreneur of the year); Nokithe music and video streaming service with which you can play songs and video clips on demand (Best startup); Airzonea company in the climate control systems sector (Sustainable + Company); Shirta multinational dedicated to the construction of infrastructure and the management and operation of urban services (Family business); Clecea multifunctional company in which 81,000 professionals serve more than one and a half million users and clients (Company + inclusive), TROPESan agri-food company that leads the production and marketing of tropical fruits, such as mango and avocado (Company + international), and Freepika company specialized in the development of creative generative AI tools and in the distribution of graphic and audiovisual content (Innovative Company) were the winners of the night in a gala that was presented by Manuel Oliver (Wizard Mor).

«An essential asset»

The first intervention of the afternoon was given by Sergio Guillot, general director of Prensa Ibéricawho pointed out that companies are an essential asset to reach levels of prosperity and to face essential challenges of transformation such as sustainability, digitalization or artificial intelligence. For Guillot, Malaga has become “in an important pole of attraction for large technology companiesoffers optimal conditions for logistics companies, has tourism as one of its pillars, has high-quality hospitality and has consolidated an interesting cultural ecosystem valued by those who come here.

With growth expected this year of 2.7% and the best pace of business creation in the last 20 yearsthe general director of Prensa Ibérica pointed out that no one doubts, today, that “Málaga is advancing and is at the forefront in different fields and that it is, of course, a land with concerns and great potential.”

Guillot also did reference to the Mediterranean Economic and Social Forum, an event promoted by the business group that publishes La Opinión which will take place in Valencia on June 26 and 27, in which renowned national and international experts will reflect on the great challenges facing the territories of the Mediterranean arc. Finally, he concluded his intervention by indicating that “Málaga is fashionable and strives to continue growing, improving quality of life and providing opportunities to its citizens.”

After Guillot, it was the turn of Juan Krauelterritorial director of Banco Sabadell, who commented on the privilege of organizing the awards “because we strengthen the link with companies, the true DNA of the bank”; Krauel recalled that It was in Malaga the city in which Sabadell Bank opened his first office in Andalusia back in 1987 and was pleased to work alongside The Opinion of Malaga, “a means of communication with professionals who work in truthful information”, in the organization of these awards. The Sabadell representative concluded by commenting that the fences 60,000 companies in Malaga “They are pillars in the construction of a more just society”.


After the words of the Banco Sabadell representative, the awards ceremony began. Jesus RuzSando’s financial director, received from the hands of Aurelio MarcosCEO of MARCOS Jewelry, the Family Business distinction. Frank SanmartinVueling’s Sustainability Director did the same with Antonio MediatoCEO and founder of Airzone, which was awarded the title of Sustainable Company. The company Freepik was the winner in the category of Innovative Company and its CEO, Joaquin Cuencareceived the award of Teresa Cobo Romero, Client Management of Ubico Corporate Mobility. Closing this first block of award winners, Víctor Luque, general director of TROPS, received the award in the International Company category from the hands of Maria Francisca Caracuelvice president of the Provincial Council of Malaga.

He then spoke José Ramón Mendaza, director of La Opinión de Málagawho described Málaga as “a global city, a benchmark that other cities look to and that has been firmly committed for years to three key vectors: culture, tourism and technology”. For the director of La Opinión, Málaga is the city of technology and the economy with initiatives of all kinds, some led by large firms and others, the result of the push of new entrepreneurs.

Despite the great moment that Málaga is experiencing, the director of La Opinión pointed out three factors that threaten to slow down its growth if they are not corrected: “The tremendous escalation of housing prices, the worrying situation of the drought and lastly, the need for transportation infrastructure that helps make the territory of the province economically permeable and homogenized”.

Mendaza also praised the creation of the new awards, fruit of the union of Banco Sabadell and Prensa Ibérica and who want to demonstrate the decisive contribution of our productive fabric to the local economy. “These awards – Mendaza concluded – represent recognition of the effort and talent that our businessmen and women put at the service of society in a constantly changing environment.”.

After the intervention of the director of La Opinión The last four awards of the night were presented. Sergi Guillot, general director of Prensa Ibérica, presented the Inclusive Company Award to Javier Gallego, regional director of Clece and subsidiaries. Carlos Zher, CEO of Nonoki, collected the award for Best Startup from Cristina Padilla, director of Malaga companies at Banco Sabadell.

The ‘big prizes’ of this first edition of ‘Banco Sabadell Company of the Year Awards’the awards for best company of the year and best businessman, went to Dcoop and Federico Beltrán, president of Famadesa, respectively. Agustín Rodriguez, director of Business Banking for the southern territory of Banco Sabadell, presented the president of Famadesa with his award as best businessman of the year. The last award of the night, for the best company of the year, was presented by Juan Krauel, director of the southern division of Banco Sabadell, to Antonio Luque, president of Dcoop.

«Land of innovation»

The event closed with the interventions of White Dew, Minister of Employment, Business and Self-Employment of the Government of Andalusia. The representative of the autonomous government pointed out through a video that was broadcast to the attendees, in which she congratulated the winners by pointing out “How our land has become a land of innovation and Malaga a strategic territory” for companies and the economic framework. The councilor described Malaga as a place “Talented, leader, ambitious, without complexes and without limits”and congratulated himself on the record of business creation that the province of Malaga has achieved year after year.

The closing of the event corresponded to Carmen Sanchezterritorial delegate for Employment, Business and Self-Employment of the Andalusian Government. Sánchez referred to companies that reach the top based on effort and entrepreneurship and said that the winners are “examples of change and adaptation to new times economics, tenacity, effort and the search for excellence” and said that Malaga companies are “examples of innovation and sustainable development” and meant that the Andalusian government “is an ally and a companion in the search for new horizons” and gave the Thank you “for carrying the name of Málaga so far”.

Source: www.elperiodico.com

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