Misael Lamas from Purmamarca and Jorge Rodríguez from San Salvador

It may seem like a lie, but since the Government of Gerardo Morales threw his permanent repression against the people after radicals and peronists voted between roosters and midnight the anti-democratic Constitutional reform, there are no official reports of injuries. All that is known is from the reconstruction carried out by the community itself and its human rights, social and left organizations.

In the early hours of this Saturday Joel Paredes28 years old, he lost sight in his right eye. He was part of the demonstration in Humahuaca in which it was required deliberative Council to pronounce himself in rejection of the Constitutional reform. Popular pressure managed to get this voted, but immediately the police unleashed a new repression. It was early morning. There were several injuries and an undetermined number of detainees, although the Police officially said that there were none.

Joel is a musician from Humahuaco. who attended the demonstration to accompany him with a bit of his art. Hours later he was hit by a rubber bullet, shot accurately to his head. He was first treated at the local hospital and then transferred to the Pablo Soria Hospital of San Salvador, where he was operated on for several hours. But they couldn’t save his right eye.

Elizabeth Sandoval, his mother, recounted to journalists what her son told her. “The Police began to repress when he and his group were playing, they began to back away, colliding with each other and there he felt an impact; when he touched his eye he felt the blood”, said the woman, who added that “there were no ambulances and his companions took him to the hospital in a remis”.

“The right retina was destroyed, lost sight. Now they are trying to rebuild his eye so that he does not lose it completely,” the woman said with deep shock. And she reported that in the local hospital she herself, in the midst of desperation, received severe treatment from those who transferred Joel from Humahuaca a San Salvador.

at least four

After the first repression in Purmamarca on Saturday June 17, The Left Daily showed that the Police had directly received the order (not written, of course) to firing “anti-riot” ammunition at vital areas of the body of the protesters, turning so-called “non-lethal” weapons into tools of irreversible damage.

As a result of the police attack that Saturday, at the intersection of national routes 9 and 52, he lost sight in his right eye. Misael Lamas 17 years old. This is how he told Natalia Moralesconventional constituents the PTS in the Left Front and a correspondent for this newspaper: “I was with my companions, we separated and I ran to the beach, that’s where I was left alone and where they shot me in the eye. I went into shock, a boy just found me and helped me, then the firefighters came to my rescue and put me in an ambulance”.

Misael lives in the neighborhood of the community of Chalala and study in the high school 18 of Purmamarca. That Saturday he went to the picket line with his companions to demonstrate peacefully. “There they began to repress, throw bullets, stones, to hit us, that generated a lot of anger. If Morales had come to show his face, all this would not have happened ”, he assures while he begins to get used to seeing only with one of his eyes.

Another of the young people who lost their sight as a result of the repression is Ernesto Aguirreone of the protesters who on Tuesday the 20th took over the center of San Salvador to repudiate the governor Moralesto their radical co-religionists already the peronist constituents accompanying the reform.

Although official information is conspicuous by its absence, The Left Daily could confirm from sources Pablo Soria Hospital that, after being hospitalized for nine days and undergoing operations, Aguirre he was finally discharged this Friday. But he went to his house having lost one of his eyes and being still engaged the other.

That day, as reported in a timely manner, other protesters were hit by bullets and gas to their heads. One of the best known cases at that time was that of Nelson Mamanimilitant of Argentine Rebel Movement, who received the impact of a tear gas grenade thrown at close range by the Police on his head. He underwent surgery for hours and remained under observation for several days in a reserved state.

Like mamani, that Tuesday another man was left lying on the asphalt in a pool of blood that flowed from his head. He was Jorge Rodrigueza worker Municipal Corralon that that morning he joined the column of state unions that marched towards the Legislature. sebastian lopezSecretary General of the Union of Municipal Employees and Workers (Seom) de Jujuy later confirmed that Rodríguez lost sight in his left eye. “He was very serious, the doctors had to wait for the swelling to go down, they gave him antibiotics, he underwent surgery but he has not been able to recover his sight,” the leader told the agency. telam.

The images of mamani y Rodríguez traveled the world and motivated the reaction of organisms such as the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) and the UN High Commissioner for Human Rightswhich directly called on Morales to stop the repression.

As seen this Saturday in Humahuacathe defense of the reactionary constitutional reform is much more important for the UCR and the PJ to respond to the calls for attention (always formal and generally ineffective) from the institutions that the governments themselves are part of.

Logically, Morales He is far from announcing any type of “investigation” into the events that led to at least four people losing their sight due to the repressive action that he himself legitimizes. Hence its political responsibility for the crimes carried out by its repressive force is directly proportional to each new wounded it leaves. And that of his political and institutional accomplices as well.

Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com

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