Starting at noon this Saturday, various activities were held in front of the Peruvian Consulate to express repudiation of the coup regime of Dina Boluarte. There were murals, photo shows and after that they moved to Plaza de Mayo. Buenos Aires legislator Alejandrina Barry, along with other FIT leaders, participated in the conference.
This Saturday, starting at 12 noon, different activities were organized by Peruvian residents in our country, self-convened in repudiation of the coup regime of Dina Boluarte in that country.
In front of the Consulate of Peru (San Martín 136, City of Buenos Aires) there was an exhibition of photos and posters where one could also see the demand for justice for those killed by the repression. Then the conveners, together with those who came to bring their support and solidarity, moved to Plaza de Mayo where they held an assembly.
Alejandra Barry, a Buenos Aires legislator for the PTS on the Left Front, participated in the event, who, in addition to denouncing the repression, also pointed out that the Argentine government, recent host of CELAC (Community of Latin American and Caribbean States) did not raise its voice at that summit for the serious violations of human rights in Peru and allowed a Minister from the government of Dina Boluarte to participate in the event.
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Other organizations and leaders were also present, such as Mercedes Trimarchi (IS), Vilma Ripoll (MST) and members of the MTL, Socialist Opinion, Polo Obrero and the Committee for the Restitution of Pedro Castillo, among others.
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It may interest you: National strike. 4F: Follow here the historic mobilizations of the Peruvian people
Politics / Political crisis in Peru / Parliamentary coup in Peru
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com