After the first debate held last week in Santiago del Estero, the presidential candidates will face each other again this Sunday, October 8. The event will take place in the City of Buenos Aires, more precisely in the Assembly Hall of the Faculty of Law of the UBA and will begin at 9 p.m.
For this second round in the presidential race, the National Electoral Chamber (CNE) ordered the exchange of the order, both of the presentation and the location of the candidates. Unlike the first, where Myriam Bregman was in charge of opening the presentation block, this time it will be Javier Milei who will be in charge of the opening. The location on the lecterns will be given, in order from left to right, as follows: Juan Schiaretti, Patricia Bullrich, Javier Milei, Myriam Bregman and Sergio Massa.
What topics will be covered and who will be in charge of starting it?
- The first axis will be on Securityand Patricia Bullrich will be in charge of opening it.
- In the second axis we will discuss Work and Production and the first speaker will be Juan Schiaretti.
- The third thematic axis will be about Human Development, Housing and Environmental Protection and Sergio Massa will be the one who will start.
It is worth noting that while the first two topics were arranged by the authorities of the National Electoral Chamber, headed by its president Alberto Dalla Via, the axis on Human Development, Housing and Environmental Protection It was included by online voting, with 18.60%, coming in second place. The first had been Human rights and democratic coexistencewhich won with 57.94% and was addressed in the first debate in Santiago del Estero.

Important expectation
The first debate, held last Sunday, was broadcast on the main TV channels, both air and cable. Far from the climate of little interest that existed before the PASO, peaks of up to 44 rating points (1 point is equivalent to 100,000 viewers), something that was not in the calculations of the main analysts or anyone else. To take dimension of the enormous magnitude, it was the most watched all year and its audience was just a few points below that of the first matches of the Argentine National Team in the World Cup in Qatar.
For this second round, the expectation is even greater after several moments that went viral in the first meeting. Without a doubt, the hit of the night was Myriam Bregman’s phrase against Javier Milei, whom he baptized with the nickname “cuddly kitten of economic power”. The leftist candidate’s phrase, which was recognized by analysts from different spaces and media as the most solid and bold in the first debate, went viral on social networks. and it even became a t-shirt!
Let’s see where the people are who after the debate said that they had to organize and vote for @myriambregmanWill you write to me? ✊💜 pic.twitter.com/nUhPpql6j4
— China Rodriguez 💚 (@_chinarodriguez) October 4, 2023
Thanks to his spicy moments and phrases against the leader of Libertad Avanza but also against Massa and Bullrich, Bregman remained the first trend in X (ex Twitter) for more than 48 hours and occupied the center of the conversation for much of the week on social networks. Just to take some data, Myriam Bregman’s name reached 11 million views in the first 24 hours after debate and triggered Google searches and video views on social networks.
Who will moderate the debate and how will it be organized?
As happened in the first, different journalists will moderate the debate. In this case, those who will be
This position will be Marcelo Bonelli (channel 13), Mariana Verón (channel 9), Soledad Larghi (America) and Sergio Roulier (Association of Argentine Teleradio Broadcasters).

The structure of the debate will be similar to the previous one, and will be organized in three different blocks. On the one hand, the first block will feature the opening and presentation of the 5 candidates, and the axes on Security y Work and production. In the second block the axis of “Human development, housing and environmental protection” will be discussed and it will also be the time for cross-questions. Furthermore, as happened in the first debate, there will also be the possibility of using up to five rights of reply for each candidate with a maximum of up to 45 seconds per turn.
Finally, the third block will have the closure of each one, where they can use a final minute to argue why voting for each political force is important.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com