Less than a week after the sayings of Javier Mileyfrom the finance of his candidate for Head of Government Ramiro Marraabout the Argentine peso being “excrement”, collaborated with the strong run on the blue dollar, at the door of the Movistar Arena stadium libertarian militants distributed “Milei dollars.” Thus began the act of the candidate who is committed to deepening the degradation of national sovereignty, adjusting “much more” than what the International Monetary Fund.
After having come out in first place in the August PASO, although by a narrow difference, Milei and the main candidates from Freedom Advances They sought to put on a show across the line. While the event was delayed in starting, Ramiro Marra, known for his defense of pornography instead of sexual education and for his desire to sell Paka Paka, among others, played at being a rock star and was carried on a litter in a couple of occasions. All accompanied by the melody of “Provocamé”, but with the lyrics a little different, this time proposing “votá Milei y que dollaricé”. A young audience, eighty percent male, chanted enthusiastically, waving “Milei Presidente” vuvuzelas.
He took the word first Alberto Benegas Lynch, whom Milei defines as his “hero.” The ultraliberal economist did not hesitate to sound reactionary, attacking the “terrorists” of the 70s, to continue with the definitions deniers of the genocidal policy of the last dictatorship that they have been doing Javier Milei and Victoria Villarruel. He took advantage of the momentum to ride the pro-Zionist wave and say that those who defend the struggle of the 1970s “assimilate” with those who today “cannot condemn Hamas.” As expected, he did not say a single word of condemnation of the genocidal siege of the israeli army, while at the event young people were seen with the flag of that state, at a time when Israel has indiscriminately bombed the Palestinian population and destroyed a hospital, leaving 500 dead. There is the “freedom” they talk about, while they deliberately seek to confuse what the left and all of us who defend the heroic struggle of the palestinian people and that it has nothing to do with sharing the methods or purposes of Hamas.
This right-wing character took the opportunity to state that he was totally against defining Milei as anti-system, since he is a faithful follower of republican principles and the right to private property. In case there were any doubts that there is no vote here against “caste” and much less against this system supported by the profits of a few. He then vindicated the American president Ronald Reagan and, right after and at a time when the Zionist bombs were falling in the world, images of nuclear bomb and La Renga.
In this reactionary party, which seemed to have little to do with the uncertainty that surrounds the vast majority at a time of skyrocketing inflation and growing poverty that threatens to worsen, Milei took the stage singing “I am the king, I will devour you.” ” and embraced his main candidates: Victoria Villarroel, Ramiro Marra, Carolina Piparo, Diana Mondino and Dipy, among others. After thanking all of them, she asked for a loud applause for who she considered to be the most important person in La Libertad Avanza: “El Jefe”, Karina Milei.
After singing “first round the whore who gave birth to him,” the libertarian was brief and sought to appear confident, calling to monitor and seek the votes of those who did not go to the polls in August. Far from other more confrontational speeches, this time Milei sought to show himself more “cute cat”as defined Myriam Bregmanperhaps seeking to show less of the “chainsaw” and more governability towards the owners of the country and the possibility of being able to close agreements with the same caste in case the polls favor it.
He mentioned the ruling party on only two occasions, spoke of those who call themselves “change” but stating that it is a change “only in form” and he agitated against the radicals haranguing “he who does not jump is radical.” Yes, he spoke out, as on other occasions, against “the stupid political caste” and denounced the rest of the parties for stating that voting for Milei is a leap into the void. “Jump into the void is your impoverishing jets,” he shouted, distraught.
Milei denounced the “impoverishing politicians, overstuffed journalists, sold-out unionists, accomplices of this impoverishing system.” However, in this cataract of definitions, it seems that they forgot to mention the assembly of lists that Peronism itself created in several districts for Libertad Avanza, as reported by members of Union for the Homeland like Grabois or Berni, he also did not have the memory to remember that he became known by those “enveloped journalists” who gave him air from America Corporation and by the efforts of the magnate Eduardo Eurnekian. There was also a lack of understanding that one of the main “sold unionists” is today in charge of organizing the control of his force throughout the country. We talk about Luis Barrionuevo, famous for his historic self-incriminating phrase: “You have to stop stealing for at least two years.”
The libertarian also fantasized, proposing, as he had already done in the presidential debate, that Argentina could be like France “in 15 or 20 years” or “like Germany in 25”, without giving the slightest explanation of what this process would be like. At another point in his speech he also sought to recreate a certain “liberal” mystique and stated that these were the most important elections in 107 years (since voting has taken place in Argentina).
Against this right-wing circus, which celebrates while millions sink into misery, but also against those who today, being the Government, thoroughly apply the IMF program, creating the conditions for the right to become emboldened, the Left Front – Unitywhich comes from putting up a huge fight alongside Myriam Bregman in the last presidential debates and in an all-out campaign, making it clear that in the face of so much Menemism and promises of adjustment, there is a voice that stands up to support the rights of workers and a commitment to fight.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com