“We must say again: Enough is enough! Spain cannot and will not return to a system based on exclusion, sectarianism, or the programmed destruction of the nation.” This is how the former president of the Government, José María Aznar, has referred to the open negotiation between the PSOE and Sumar with Junts and ERC for a hypothetical amnesty for those prosecuted by the process. An express appeal to the so-called ‘spirit of Ermua’ that mobilized all of Spain against the kidnapping, blackmail and subsequent murder of the PP councilor Miguel Ángel Blanco, in 1997.

The PP will try to break the internal cohesion of the PSOE but assumes the failure of Feijóo’s investiture


Aznar offered a tough speech during the inauguration of the ‘Faes Campus’, organized by the foundation that he himself presides over. “An operation is underway to dismantle the Constitution, to destroy its legitimacy,” he said at the beginning of a conference focused on the challenges caused by the war in Ukraine and which will close on Friday the leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo. .

“Secessionism driven by the Socialist Party – whatever this party is now – believes it has found its moment, the one that marks the point of no return towards the destruction of the Constitution,” Aznar said. The references to the hypothetical end of the fundamental law have been continuous in his speech. And also the appeals to the movement that at the end of the last century mobilized citizens against ETA terrorism: “Spain accumulates civic energy, institutionality and national critical mass to prevent this project of constitutional deconstruction, this project of national dissolution from being consumed.” .

“It will not be the first time that the strength of Spanish society is put to the test,” he stated. “Spain cannot and will not return to a system based on exclusion, sectarianism, or the programmed destruction of the nation. Neither the grotesque and ridiculous cantonalism, nor the policies of sectarianism, nor the Spain of winners and losers,” she pointed out.

Aznar has pointed out the PSOE directly: “We must have the clear idea that the danger does not come from outside; “It is induced by a political force, the Socialist Party, which has become the trigger of a syndrome in which those who have to defend the Constitution from the Government become its main attackers.”

The former president has appealed to the population on several occasions: “No one, I insist, with a sense of responsibility, committed to the historic agreement between Spaniards, can remain on the sidelines of a task that must summon us to ensure the future.”

“Some want to confirm our worst story, confirm that, indeed, in Spain sooner or later the evil of division and failure ends up emerging,” he concluded.

The Government accuses him of being a “coup plotter”

The Government has responded harshly to the former president’s words. The minister spokesperson, Isabel Rodríguez, has compared these statements to “antidemocratic and coup-like behavior.”

“We are talking about the president who lied to the Spanish, who used the largest terrorist attack on our country; “Whoever did all this has little credibility and his statements have no political or moral value,” she said when asked about the issue at the press conference after the Council of Ministers.

The Government spokesperson has asked Feijóo to ask Aznar for a rectification. “Given what his figure represents and his ascendancy in the party, it would require an immediate request from Feijóo to rectify it in the interests of the democratic values ​​that are our own and do not correspond to behaviors typical of anti-democratic and coup systems.” . “What would be next,” she asked herself, “the call for an uprising?”

The leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, has come out in defense of Aznar, saying in a message on Twitter: “Spain will not remain silent in the face of his immorality.”

Source: www.eldiario.es

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