From 7:00 p.m. a crowd filled the streets of downtown Neuquén in the march 48 years after the beginning of the genocidal coup. The mobilization was called with the slogans: “There are 30,000. It was Genocide. We continue in the streets against adjustment and repression. Not a step back.”

Thousands of people participated in the traditional march. The characteristic this year was the strong repudiation of the national government, which has been carrying out a brutal adjustment plan against the working people. Both Javier Milei and Victoria Villarruel have been encouraging a strong denialist and even apologist discourse of the civil-military dictatorship. They went so far as to publish a provocative video today denying the 30,000 missing.


In addition to Human Rights organizations, such as Mothers, APDH, Ceprodh and Zainuco, dozens of union, social, student, indigenous and political organizations marched with their flags. An important column of education workers in struggle stood out.

From the closing ceremony, the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo Neuquén and Alto Valle Branch gave a message of struggle and resistance.

Lolin Rigoni stated that “This mobilization is a beautiful demonstration.” On the other hand, Inés Ragni stated, “We are surrounded by snakes. But we have strength. Because we are right.”

Also, they provided support for the teachers’ strike and against Figueroa’s antidemocratic decree.

Oscar Ragni addressed a message to President Milei, “We don’t have a chainsaw, but we are not afraid of them. There is no negotiation possible. “There are 30,000.”

From Ceprodh, Natalia Hormazábal and Mariana Derni denounced the government’s “openly neoliberal plan, attacking all our rights, retirees, women and dissidents, boys and girls, culture, education, health “It is a war plan against our class.”

In turn, they vindicated the mobilizations of December 20, the strike of January 24, the marches against the Omnibus Law and #8M, and joined the demand for a national strike to confront the government’s plan.


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