Interviews: Florencia Sciutti and Javier Brat.

At 6:30 p.m. this Thursday, the Aula Magna of the Faculty of Humanities it was starting to fill up. The headquarters on Otero Street, in the heart of San Salvador, received teachers, students, municipal workers, unemployed colleagues, and members of the original communities. Part of the Jujuy fighterthe one that challenges the Morales government on roads, streets and schools, met to discuss how to continue fighting against the repudiated constitutional reform that radicals and Peronists approved.

A rich debate took place for almost three hours. The voices of the original communities came from Purmamarca to vindicate their huge fight and call to support the roadblocks. The teachers were present, to recount the hard fight that Adep is holding and to account for the discussion that Cedems is going through, which called a 24-hour strike this Friday, in repudiation of the harassment suffered by teachers who demonstrated. there the April 9 Association (PTS and independent) He has been proposing the need for an assembly that allows discussing how to resume the joint fight with other sectors against the reform.

Las voices of the students added their contribution. They also did referents of the fight for human rights. He Third Raid of Peace He made his own powerful voice heard, denouncing the arbitrariness of capitalist Jujuy and calling for the resignation of Morales himself.

were also heard the words of Alejandro Vilcathe national deputy of the PTS-FITU who was a constituent convention and, along with his colleagues, played a fundamental role in denouncing the reform of Morales and the PJ.

In this climate of contributions, debates and points of view a new organization was woven. The decision about what to call oneself was, perhaps, the most discussed point in the meeting. The various proposals were heard from the four corners of the spacious room. The new body awarded itself the name of the People’s Assembly against the Reform.

At the same time, the debate outlined multiple targets. It is logical that this is the case. The Paulo Freire classroom concentrated the claims that run through Jujuy’s geography; he unified those demands that, every day, are present in the streets or on the routes.

This Friday, within the framework of another day of mobilization, the Assembly of the People against the Reform will begin to take to the streets. He will be, from early on, together with the Adep faculty who, as part of his fight plan, will make a stay in the Ministry of Finance of the province. Later, a delegation will take Route 9 on the way to Purmamarca. Solidarity and support will travel there. Dusk will be the reason for another fight action: participation in the March of Torches called by the Cedems and other unions.

The People’s Assembly against the Reform stands up to fight for a higher perspective. It is a regrouping pole to fight for a much broader objective. That of uniting all the sectors in struggle. This means fighting for set up a great Provincial Assembly of workers, workers, native communities, students and other sectors in struggle. An instance that is capable of uniting the force that crosses the streets and routes of Jujuy to give a common fight, with measures decided democratically, from below and between all sectors. An instance that is capable of imposing that the CGT, the CTA and the big unions call a general strike until the reform falls. That is the way to defeat the repudiated constitution agreed upon by Morales and the PJ. What happened this Thursday afternoon was a first and important step.

That fight, as discussed this Thursday, has to take each union, each workplace, each neighborhood or faculty. It has to be a debate in the towns of the interior, between compañeros and compañeras from the communities. In this way, the perspective of building that great Provincial Assembly, necessary for the struggle, can be strengthened.

Main voted resolutions

  • We support the cuts of the original Communities in struggle. We demand that there be no repression. We will send delegations.
  • We support the Adep strike and all measures to fight teaching.
  • We repudiate the attempts to subdue the rights of the original peoples. The territory is theirs and they. Guarantee of respect for free and informed prior consultation with the communities.
  • No attack on the right to protest. Respect for the rights of teachers and their status.
  • We repudiate the repression in Perico, the attack on Camila Muller, and the raids on private homes to generate intimidation.
  • Annulment of all legal cases and charges for the protest against the reform.
  • We repudiate and declare Natalia Sarapura persona non grata
  • We join the dissemination of the statement of the Third Malón de La Paz.

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