This Friday began fight plan announced on Thursday by dozens of social organizations at a press conference in front of the Obelisk. The fighting plan is against the adjustment they have been suffering from Minister Pettovello and the slogan that unified the different organizations was The Food Emergency Cannot Wait Anymore.
With cuts in front of the Ministry of Human Capital, commanded by Sandra Pettovelloand replicas in various parts of the AMBA and the most important cities of the country, the claim is felt against the criminal policy of Freedom Advances of not delivering food to soup kitchens. Something that, it is worth remembering, had already been happening since the last months of the government of the Front of All.
In front of the headquarters of the portfolio led by Pettovello Hundreds of protesters gathered. The operation of the Buenos Aires City Police It included provocations at the beginning of the mobilization, throwing pepper gas against part of the concentration. There, together with social organizations, the Movement of Classist Groups (MAC) with its national and worker reference from Neuquén Zanon, Raul Godoy. Along with them, there was also the national deputy of the PTS on the Left FrontNicolás del Caño.
The organizations denounce that more than 44,000 soup kitchens do not receive a kilo of food and, due to the lack of dialogue and response from the Government, there is a shortage of community kitchens.
San Justo Roundabout (Route 3 and Camino de Cintura). Along with the convening organizations, the Popular Assembly of Laferrere joined | Red Focus Photos
The organizers of the national fight plan stated that the lack of respect and mistreatment of this government and the Minister of Human Capital cannot be tolerated. Sandra Pettovellowhich has very little humanity”, while announcing that “after months of trying to dialogue in search of an answer”, and “in an immense framework of unity”, they will deepen “the demand for the provision of necessary and urgent food in dining rooms and picnic areas throughout the country”.
In the Northern Zone of Greater Buenos Aires there was a concentration in Panamericana and 197, in General Pacheco. The workers of the recovered printing press brought their solidarity and support there. MadyGraf (ex Donnelley).
Convening organizations: UTEP; FeNaT-CTAA; Free of the South; Rebel Argentina Movement; Darío Santillán Popular Front; Coordinator for Social Change: FOL, FPDS Pluribnational Current, MULCS, April 8 Movement, FAR and Copa in Marabunta, Autonomous FOB, OLP Resist and Fight, Juana Azurduy Movement, Arriba Lxs que Chan, MST Teresa Vive, FOL – MTD Aníbal Verón, MRP, FOB, MTR For Direct Democracy; National Piquetero Front: Polo Obrero, MTR We Vote Fight for Social Change, CUBa. MTR/MIDO, M29, MTR 12 de Abril, National Piquetero Block (T.Or.Re – Agrupación Armando Conciencia, OTL), FDU, Let’s Work, MTL Rebelde, MBT, Resistance Front, RUP, Popular Rebellion, Free Peoples ; Combative Organizations Block: William Cooke, SOY, Revolutionary Action, November 17, 17N Free Organized and Rebels, Struggle Movement, MEL; FTC M29; Organizationon Barrial Tupac Amaru, Fetrales; Piquetero Party; Social Movements in Struggle; TODU; TODEL AC MOT TODEL We will win!
Learn about the proposals of the Movement of Classist Groups
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