We must confront the forces of heaven with the strength of the working people in the streets. That’s why this January 24th we have to carry out a great national active strike.
We are going to take to the streets stopping at all workplaces and mobilizing Congress starting at noon throughout the country in public places and squares.
This strike cannot be something isolated but must be the beginning of a Fight plan until you tear down the DNU, la Ley Omnibus and all Caputo’s reactionary measures. They affect more than 300 laws and trample more than a century of rights won by the working class in our country.
We have to add all the forces we can to begin the counteroffensive to this true war that has been declared on us. mercy.
This whole plan is so that the same people as always continue to benefit: the economic powerwhich is behind every government that has passed, even military dictatorships. In this case, not only the workers but many popular sectors, including small and medium-sized industries, are harmed.
The leaders of the CGT, since they are willing to sit down to negotiate as soon as they give them a crumb. We have to take the strike and the mobilization into our hands. Organizing from now assemblies in the workplaces and in the neighborhoods, how the cacerolazos began, popular assemblies in various places or the retirees marching.
We must unite formal and informal workers, social movements, small business owners and all the people from the grassroots until we defeat the Chainsaw Plan. Our fight is a collective one and our plan is at the service of the great majorities.
We are chatting in many assemblies, in the streets, in the workplace but also telling our colleagues in the Left Front Unity and there are many organizations with which we have coordinated actions, calling meetings to organize intervention in the strike. Coordination and making a great independent pole with our own flags is very important.
But it is also key what we are going to do starting January 25. Because the struggle has to have continuity in a plan of struggle in which we can unite the workers under an agreement, with millions of precarious workers, those who do not have a union, with the people who have Empower Work, a plan, a AUH, the cultural workers, with the journalists who have been harassed. That is, build the worker and popular unity where to centralize our demands and a plan with multiple forms of expression with pot-banging, neighborhood assemblies, popular assemblies, with strikes. In every fight you have to count solidarity.
Together with the youth and the women’s movement that has won their rights fighting, this 24th we must fill the streets with life and strengthen each of the sectors of workers who are already fighting and organizing to confront this chainsaw plan that is against you .
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com