Milei and Caputo’s adjustment plan is such a hard blow for the population that they delayed the announcement again and again looking for how to present it. The 100% devaluation Taking the dollar to $800 will directly impact prices. The great businessmen They are not willing to give up a single dollar, on the contrary They anticipated the announcements and made strong increases in recent days. The Peronist government had already left a critical social situation and With the new measures, poverty will multiply.

With the rise of the official dollar, the prices of imported products and inputs directly increase, exporters raise the values ​​of what they sell in the country to match what they earn abroad, and monopolistic companies take advantage to grow their profits. The Libertad Avanza government is giving free rein to the usual winners to multiply their incomehaving included the “caste” among its main officials, showing that His real plan is for the adjustment to be paid by the vast majority.

Las food companies They did not come from having losses, quite the opposite. Firms in the sector that are listed on the stock market and practically have a monopoly on different product lines have been showing extraordinary profits. In the first 9 months of the year, Ledesma declared profits of $13,500 million, Molinos Río de la Plata for $20,000 million, and Arcor recorded net profits of more than $35,500 million. But these big businessmen do not care that more than 40% of the population is immersed in poverty, they only see the devaluation as an opportunity to continue doing business.

It is impossible to improve the situation of workers without affecting business profits.. An elementary measure to confront inflation is the committees of workers and users to control prices from the places of production, through all distribution channels to sale, and the requirement of opening the accounting records of all companies that operate. They claim that they have to adjust their prices, among other measures.

Economy Minister Luis Caputo’s plan includes a strong fiscal adjustmentl that includes layoffs, reduction of subsidies and increase in rates, freezing of public works and reduction of resources for the provinces. Being one of the main people responsible for the State’s debt under Macrism, he argued that it is the only option because “there is no money,” but what is produced in the country is constantly taken abroad. The real objective is to use the chainsaw against workers, retirees and their families.

The working class must organize a plan of struggle to face this brutal adjustment. Given this war plan against the workers, it is urgent to demand from the union centers a Plan of struggle with strikes and mobilizations to defeat it, fighting in unity among all sectors, both employed, precarious and unemployed, of the public and private sectors. , environmentalism and the struggles to defend women’s rights.


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