In the run-up to the elections on October 22, all candidates for the presidency had to present their asset declarations. The podium is headed by Juan Schiaretti who accounted for a fortune of more than 80 million pesos. They are followed by Bullrich with 24.6 million, Milei with 21.3 million and Massa with 19.3 million. Very far away is Myriam Bregman, with 888 thousand pesos.
It is important to understand that the assets declared by the candidates when taking into account their properties was the acquisition value and not the real value of the property, so in reality these large sums in the case of the first four candidates , it is necessary to add much larger amounts.
The governor of Córdoba declared that he has a house of no less than 567 square meters in the Chateau Carreras neighborhood in the provincial capital, valued at U$D 250,000. He also stated that he has 30 million pesos in retirement insurance and $673,000 and U$D 23,400.
For her part, the Together for Change candidate said she has an apartment worth $12.7 million and a garage in the city for $491,000. In addition, Patricia Bullrich Luro Pueyrredón inherited 33% of a field located in the town of Los Toldos valued at $8 million. He also has a $1.3 million, $733,000 Ford Ecosport.
The libertarian candidate is the third with the most assets. Milei has a 100 square meter house in the City of Buenos Aires worth $6.6 million. A $2.4 million Mercedes Benz Sprinter van and a $3.6 million Peugeot Rcz Coupe. In addition, he has saved $2.1 million and U$D 20 thousand.
Massa is in fourth place with 2 houses located in Tigre. They have a total of 1,000 square meters and a tax value of $14.4 million. He also has a Volkswagen Tiguan pickup truck worth $2 million. It has $462 thousand.
These large sums correspond to the social role of each of them, representing the interests of large businessmen, beyond specific political proposals. They all propose deepening the adjustment and continuing with the mandate of dependence on the IMF. Your personal enrichment, from the point of view of said interests, is aligned with these objectives.
At the other extreme is Myriam Bregman, with a net worth of just $888,000, with 25% of a property located in the City of Buenos Aires, worth $30,500, and deposits in pesos for $843,000. It is no coincidence, the presidential candidate for the Left Front – Unity earns as a deputy the same as a teacher and has been making that bench available to the workers’ and popular struggles. She is part of a politics of another kind, accompanying the working people and far from the path of politics as a way to get rich, following the interests of big capital.
Here what the Left Front has been denouncing throughout the campaign is also graphically expressed: there are 5 candidates but only one who proposes ending the vicious circle of looting and dependency. 5 candidates but only one who proposes ending the Fund and ending the adjustment on all working people.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com