The presidential candidate for the Left Unity Front, Myriam Bregman, rejected the invitation made to her by Marc Stanley. The United States ambassador to Argentina summoned her to a meeting “to talk and deepen our bilateral relations.” Among several considerations, Bregman pointed out that “we do not believe that those of us who are presidential candidates in our country should debate our proposals with diplomatic representatives of other countries. We believe that this is an elementary sovereign position. The presidential candidates in their country do not meet to debate “his proposals with the Argentine ambassador, for example. We don’t see why we should act otherwise. Especially when we are a political force that questions the economic and political interference of his country in ours.”
Furthermore, the current national representative added that “we are anti-imperialists: we question the political and economic interference that your country exercises and exercised in our region, where it has had numerous military interventions to remove governments that were not to its liking”; and she reminded him that “her country, moreover, has always opposed our sovereign claim to the Falkland Islands, supporting Great Britain during the 1982 war.”
Among the fundamentals, Bregman responded to Stanley that “his government is the one that has defining power in international financial organizations such as the IMF, with which loans are provided to countries like Argentina to sustain their domination at the cost of further deepening the adjustment against the standard of living of the working and popular majorities of my country. Although it is public that the debt contracted illegally and illegitimately by the Macri government in 2018 was made thanks to the action of the then government of Donald Trump to benefit him politically, now “It is the Argentine people who are paying the costs of said action, due to the recognition of said debt by the current Argentine government.”
“We are not unaware that the rest of the presidential candidates in this election in our country have preferential treatment with you and the government of the United States, an attitude that does not correspond to an elementally independent and sovereign attitude,” concluded the presidential candidate on the basis of her refusal to meet with the United States ambassador.
Full note sent to Marc Stanley
Buenos Aires, September 24, 2023
Ambassador to Argentina of the
United States of America
Marc R. Stanley
I have received a letter from you inviting me in my capacity as presidential candidate of the Left Front and Workers Unity to a meeting “to talk and deepen our bilateral relations.” Together with the leadership of my party I want to inform you that we have decided to reject this invitation. And I go on to detail the political reasons for said decision, without this implying any personal assessment.
First of all, we do not believe that those of us who are presidential candidates in our country should debate our proposals with diplomatic representatives of other countries. We believe this is an elementary sovereign position. The presidential candidates in their country do not meet to debate their proposals with the Argentine ambassador, for example. We don’t see why we should act any other way. Above all, when we are a political force that questions the economic and political interference of their country in ours.
This decision is not against the workers and people of the United States, but quite the opposite. We feel part of and united with the historical struggles against slavery that had their maximum expression during the Civil War in the mid-19th century, with the workers’ struggles for the reduction of the working day that led to the execution of the “Chicago Martyrs.” in 1886, a fact that the working class of almost all the countries in the world commemorate every May Day. Of the struggles against racial segregation and its leaders such as Rosa Parks, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King Jr., the latter two vilely murdered under the complicity of the State that you represent. Today this fight persists in the #BlackLivesMatter movement that emerged as a form of struggle and protest against racist police violence, as happened with Trayvon Martin and George Floyd, among others, and from the Left Front we have mobilized in solidarity in Argentina. At this time we have learned of a historic strike by workers in the three large automotive companies in your country (Ford, General Motors, Stellantis) for wage increases and working conditions that encourages us a lot, in a context where in Argentina different Presidential candidates are trying to curtail the right to strike and destroy the historic achievements of the working class. Likewise, we have been following with great interest the unionization process that is taking place in vast sectors of North American working youth.
We also question the political and economic interference that your country exercises and exercised in our region, where it has had numerous military interventions to remove governments that were not to its liking, and at a global level, as is the case in the current war in Ukraine. In our case we have questioned both the Russian invasion and NATO’s intervention in the conflict. To this day, the blockade against the Republic of Cuba that began more than sixty years ago continues, and the occupation of Guantánamo continues, where more than twenty years ago they set up an illegal detention center in which people deprived of their liberty do not have the minimal right of defense. Furthermore, your country has always opposed our country’s sovereign claim to the Falkland Islands, supporting Great Britain during the 1982 war.
Finally, it is not hidden from us, furthermore, that its government is the one that has defining power in international financial organizations such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF), with which loans are provided to countries like Argentina to sustain its domination at the expense of further deepen the adjustment against the standard of living of the working and popular majorities of my country. Although it is public that the debt contracted illegally and illegitimately by the Macri government in 2018 was made thanks to the action of the then government of Donald Trump to benefit it politically, now it is the Argentine people who are paying the costs of said action, due to the recognition of said debt by the current Argentine government.
We are not unaware that the rest of the presidential candidates in this election in our country have preferential treatment with you and the government of the United States, an attitude that does not correspond to an elementally independent and sovereign attitude.
Without further ado, I salute you
Myriam Bregman
National Deputy
Candidate for President for the Left Front and Unity Workers
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com